I have a neice that is 7 years old and has bipolar along with some other issues. My mom takes care of her during the day while my sister works. None of them are Catholic and none of them go to church except every now and then my neice will go to the Baptist church that they are supposed to belong to. My 8 year old daughter and my 7 year old son have been taking turns spending the night with grandma so they can play with my neice. Seems like everytime they do, religion comes up. Now my neice is very bold and right to the point about everything so when they talk about religion she thinks she has all the “right” answers. My son tried to ask his grandma to tell them the “right” answer and she said I could tell you what I believe is right in my heart but it’s the not the same as you believe. My neice told my son that you have to accept Jesus into your heart and that’s how you get to Heaven. When my mom tell me this stuff I usually roll my eyes and don’t say too much. I am a convert to the Catholic faith and when my mom found out I converted we had it out big time. We finally made amends and for the most part we don’t discuss religion for fear of ending up fighting again. Is it o.k. that I keep quiet about it, at least until I know I need to defend our faith? I really don’t want to cause any problems between us again. I would appreciate your (name removed by moderator)ut on this touchy situation. Thank you and God bless!