From God point of view P, N and F exist with the difference that nothing exists at the moment now hence otherwise F could not be created.
I understand that but there is place for consciousness in this picture. If you accept any change as a triangle, then P is left node, future is right node and now is the moment of experience which ontologically exist in consciousness, namely top node. Hence, we embed consciousness as well.
Where does lie consciousness in this picture?
Do you have freedom to create an opportunity in future? How could you if now casually define future? How now could exist if you have the power to do anything in future?
As far as I’m concerned, God sees the past, present and future regardless of our “consciousness”, which is just another way of saying that we can make decisions that can affect the future.
However He sees the decisions we take, and the future consequences that flow from that. Yet somehow he subtly interferes from time to time.
I’ve told this story before, but the night my father died, he appeared in my room. During the ensuing discussion he exclaimed at one point, “I always was doomed! I didn’t really have any choice!” I argued back, saying “That can’t be right!” (and I was an atheist at the time too). He replied, “Oh, it’s right all right, you can see that from here.” And later he admitted “I was WILLING!” (to do the cruel stupid things that condemned him).
That was in January 1979.
Circa late 2005, I was driving a cab part time at night. One night I was in a suburb called Nundah, and happened to be near the street where my father died. He died at Unit No. X, Y Rivington Street, Nundah.
Now there were other things he said that I wonder about, so I asked for a “sign” that it really was him, and that the things he said were accurate. I got back this feeling that I ought to know better than to ask for a “sign” ("… a wicked and adulterous generation wants signs …"), but I persevered anyway.
Now I don’t think it was that night, but the next cab shift I was on (probably two da ys later) when I pulled up to the Queen Street rank in Brisbane. I waited my turn, and eventually a bloke came wandering up, swaying a little bit, hopped in the back, and just said, "Nundah!’
I replied, “Whereabouts in Nundah?” He answered, “Just drive. I’ll tell you where to go.”
So off we went, turned here and there, and finished up at No. (Y-1) Rivington Street, Nundah, directly opposite the very unit where my father died.
I even said to the bloke, “Hmph! That’s where my father died!” He didn’t seem to find it a topic he wanted to pursue as an item of conversation with a cabbie (funny that), paid the fare, and went home.
But as far as I was concerned I got my “sign”. Since most fares are within a ten kilometre radius, there were hundreds of thousands of other places we could have gone. Then there was the almost peremptory way he spoke - “Just drive! I’ll tell you where to go!”
Now, in view of my father’s comment, “I always was doomed, I didn’t really have any choice!” and my experience of getting a “sign” which took me right back to the house directly opposite where he died, it’s obvious to me God can very subtly do things despite our “free will”.
For to get that sign, God had to take into account my choices, radio jobs, other traffic, other cabs, traffic lights, the time this bloke wanted to leave the pub, the queue at the rank, my arrival and departure times, and all the rest.
Of course it could have been sheer coincidence, but I’ve had far too many spiritual experiences to believe that for a single minute.
Hence God sees the future. He may well have seen me asking for a “sign” one night in a cab in Nundah before time began, and had His response ready before time began.
But I’m still responsible for my choices - did I drive the cab safely? Was I courteous to passengers? Did I run any red lights? Did I give the correct change? Did I try to rip the customer off? Did I wait my turn at the rank?
So even if He sees them, and sometimes interferes, we still have free will, or what you call “Consciousness”.