Nov. 28 - Day 1 of our 33 Day Journey to Total Consecration

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

St. Louis de Montfort, explains in “True Devotion”:

1. Preparation and Consecration
  1. Those who desire to take up this special devotion, (which has not been erected into a confraternity, although this would be desirable), should spend at least twelve days in emptying themselves of the spirit of the world, which is opposed to the spirit of Jesus, as I have recommended in the first part of this preparation for the reign of Jesus Christ They should then spend three weeks imbuing themselves with the spirit of Jesus through the most Blessed Virgin. Here is a progrme they might follow…
He goes on to explain the next 3 weeks of this journey, but let us ponder how by God’s Grace we can spend the next 12 days: “emptying ourselves of the spirit of the world, which is opposed to the spirit of Jesus, as I have recommended in the first part of this preparation for the reign of Jesus Christ.” May I suggest, beginning today with earnest prayer to the Holy Spirit for His Light to see by the Supernatural Faith of our Baptism how to "empty ourselves of the spirit of the world which is opposed to the Spirit of Jesus.

You may want to ponder John’s First letter: 1 Jn 1: 5-10 and also 1 Jn 4: 1-6. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would bring us into all Truth and Jesus is Truth . Let us ponder in our hearts as Mary did.
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Our Lady of Kibeho’s messages concern the whole world​

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Our Lady’s apparitions in Kibeho, Rwanda, began on November 28, 1981, and ended on November 28, 1989. Nathalie Mukamazimpaka, one of the three visionaries of Kibeho recalls:

“Our Lady taught me to pray the Rosary Crown of the 7 Sorrows because she said that a tragedy was brewing in Rwanda. Our Lady asked us to change our lifestyle, to love the sacraments, to do penance, to pray without ceasing by reciting the Rosary of the 7 Sorrows for the conversion of the hearts of those who have departed from God, and to be humble in asking for forgiveness and in forgiving.”

Bishop Augustin Misago, Bishop of Gikongoro, the diocese on which Kibeho depends, recalls the amazement and anxiety generated by the story of the visionaries:

“We realize now that the Rwandan tragedy had been foretold. But I remember that on August 15, 1982, on the feast of the Assumption, the visionaries, instead of seeing the Virgin full of joy, witnessed terrible, frightening visions of corpses from which sprang abundant streams of blood, left unburied on the hills. No one knew what these terrible images meant. Now we are able to interpret the events anew, and see that they were probably a vision of what happened in Rwanda and in the region of the Great Lakes where blood was flowing, in Burundi, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.”

The Bishop of Gikongoro added that Our Lady of Kibeho’s messages concern the whole world. “A conversion of hearts is needed to obtain greater justice. We live in a situation of global imbalance where the rich continue to get richer and the poor to get poorer. It is a shameful situation that each person will have to evaluate according to his or her conscience.”

The editorial team of Marie de Nazareth

See also: Marian Fathers in Kibeho

Read more on : Rwanda

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Dear hazcompat,

Thanks so much for this post on “Our Lady of Kibeho’s messages” – yes her messages certainly concern the whole world!

I remembered yesterday on the Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal that the Apparitions of Our Lady of Kibeho began around the same same date, but did not have time to verify that. How good God is to have inspired you to post this treasure of beautiful information about Our Lady who appeared to three young visionaries on this date, today: Nov. 28, 1981

I hope many on CAF will read all the information given by the the editorial team of Marie de Nazareth and also the Marian Fathers in Kibeho. I will continue to read more on your final link to

Some years ago I read a book on Our Lady of Kibeho: See HERE It is well worth reading.

On this “Day 1 of our 33 Day Journey to Total Consecration” in was good to remember this Apparition and to read more about it. In one of the excerpts the Bishop reminds us of the importance of God’s Word in Holy Scripture as our most important source of His Revelation. That is so important for us, if we are to spend these 12 days as St. Louis de Montfort wrote: “emptying ourselves of the spirit of the world which is opposed to the Spirit of Christ”…

How we need to listen with the “ears of our hearts” as Mary listened and pondered all in her heart! Hopefully we will by God’s Grace, grow closer to Jesus through Mary day by day until the end of our days!
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Hi MariaChristi,

With the forums closing soon, I want to thank you for all you’ve taught me and for your compassion. I’m sure I’m in your prayers and you are in mine too.
Dear patricius79,

So good to hear from you again. Ah, but all our thanks ultimately go to Jesus through Mary, because if it were not for Their love for us we would not be able to help anyone – even ourselves!

But it is good to be grateful to one another also for in creating each person, God gives us gifts for the other, that He wants us to share. What joy it is, for instance, when you and I can share Mary with one another, and share with others, the encouragement God knows we all need.

Yes, you and your family remain in my prayers and I thank you for keeping me and my husband and our family in your prayers. May this Advent be a truly holy one for all as we remember and celebrate His First Coming to us through Mary.
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