Dear Brothers and Sisters,
St. Louis de Montfort, explains in “True Devotion”:
1. Preparation and Consecration
You may want to ponder John’s First letter: 1 Jn 1: 5-10 and also 1 Jn 4: 1-6. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would bring us into all Truth and Jesus is Truth . Let us ponder in our hearts as Mary did.
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St. Louis de Montfort, explains in “True Devotion”:
1. Preparation and Consecration
He goes on to explain the next 3 weeks of this journey, but let us ponder how by God’s Grace we can spend the next 12 days: “emptying ourselves of the spirit of the world, which is opposed to the spirit of Jesus, as I have recommended in the first part of this preparation for the reign of Jesus Christ.” May I suggest, beginning today with earnest prayer to the Holy Spirit for His Light to see by the Supernatural Faith of our Baptism how to "empty ourselves of the spirit of the world which is opposed to the Spirit of Jesus.
- Those who desire to take up this special devotion, (which has not been erected into a confraternity, although this would be desirable), should spend at least twelve days in emptying themselves of the spirit of the world, which is opposed to the spirit of Jesus, as I have recommended in the first part of this preparation for the reign of Jesus Christ They should then spend three weeks imbuing themselves with the spirit of Jesus through the most Blessed Virgin. Here is a progrme they might follow…
You may want to ponder John’s First letter: 1 Jn 1: 5-10 and also 1 Jn 4: 1-6. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit would bring us into all Truth and Jesus is Truth . Let us ponder in our hearts as Mary did.
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