Novena to St. Jude

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I am preparing to begin saying a Novena to St. Jude to help me with an intercession. I am a fairly newly converted Catholic, and have never said a Novena before.

I tried to research this and found many wonderful Formulas for saying the Novena.

I am curious though, while I know that I will continue the Novena for Nine days, some of the websites seem to suggest repeating the Novena prayer nine times each day. I have no aversion to saying it nine times a day, the more the merrier I say. Does saying the particular Novena prayer 9 times a day seem right to you or is it really once per day?
There are different approaches to the novena. I have had wonders worked through Saint Jude, and the novena I used was from a prayer on the back of a holy card that did not mention saying it nine times a day. Neither did it mention it was a novena, but I have seen it listed elsewhere as such (after the prayer and answer was said and recieved). I have seen a different prayer for the nine times a day. I think what matters more than the number of times the prayer is repeated, is the intention and devotion with which the plea for help is made.

I was so moved by his immediate response the firt time, that I wanted to read all I could on him. I was disappointed that I could not find a book on his history, although I did find a book about the history of the devotion to Saint Jude and its resurgence in the US. From what I have read, he may have been a very close relative to Jesus, so close that some early Christians believed him to be a brother of Jesus. It is believed that he is the disciple Thaddeus.
I thank you for your fast reply. I think I will say the prayer before my Rosary at night, but keep the prayer in my thoughts throughout the day.

Interestingly enough I think St. Jude knew I would need him. I ordered St. Juan Diego Medals for my wife and I prior to our pilgrimage there in January '05. EWTN sent me the St. Jude medals instead. Everything happens for a reason, and so I told them I would keep the medal and in turn ordered the St. Juan Diego medals again.

My wife and I are in desperate need of a intercession to bring our marriage of over 16 years back to the sacrament that it was meant to be.

St. Jude pray for me.
Interestingly enough I think St. Jude knew I would need him. I ordered St. Juan Diego Medals for my wife and I prior to our pilgrimage there in January '05. EWTN sent me the St. Jude medals instead. Everything happens for a reason, and so I told them I would keep the medal and in turn ordered the St. Juan Diego medals again.

My wife and I are in desperate need of a intercession to bring our marriage of over 16 years back to the sacrament that it was meant to be.

St. Jude pray for me.
That was very interesting about the medals turning out to be St Jude. You may very well be on to something there.

I have done some very diverse novenas for St Juda as well. Some I have said 9 times a day for 9 days. Some just once a day. Other I have had to leave a copy of the prayer in church for 9 days.

I guess if it says 9 times a day, then go ahead. However, I asked my priest about this and he said not to get too hung up on the number of times daily. Just pray with faith.

I will say same prayers tonight at Adoration for your marriage. You are doing the very best thing by turing to God and trusting.

God Bless.
:blessyou: Jrabs for remembering me to our blessed Lord this evening at adoration. I look forward to going to adoration when I am in a place that has it available. What a special time to listen and talk to Jesus. Please pray that I will continue to keep my faith and that my wife will be filled with hope instead of doubts.
No fixed rules need be laid down, generally speaking, for the making of a novena beyond that of persevering in prayer through the space of nine days – following the example of the Apostles who prayed for nine days for the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The Novena can also be done for 18 days – 9 days of prayer of petition followed by 9 days of prayer of thanksgiving even if the request hasn’t been answered yet. There is also a 54-day novena – three 9-day Novena’s in prayer of petition followed by three 9-day Novena’s in prayer of thansgiving.

The efficacy of any novena depends in great measure on the piety and devotion of the individual. The following suggestions will increase the fervor of your novena:
  1. *]Participate, if possible , in the public novena services, since there is added efficacy in the union of the faithful at prayer.

    *] Receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion during your novena.

    *] Promise an act of public gratitude, should your petition be granted; have holy Mass celebrated in thanksgiving; make your favor public for the encouragement of others; spread devotion to the Novena

    *] While making your request, be sure to honestly leave yourself open to God’s will – meaning be willing to accept God’s answer even if it comes in a way that you do not expect or want.
    … Hope this helps.
Sir Knight,

Your words of encouragement do help, and I thank you for taking the time to add them to this thread. I can see clear sign already that St. Jude has begun his petition for my intention already. I already see a marked change in disposition in both my wife and I, and although some of these things were in the work already, I saw for certain that there were new twists that only could have been Heaven sent.

I was impressed enough that I fasted today. Even though I have lost 12 pounds from my slender frame already through this horrible situation, I was glad to offer thanksgiving today by eating only some dry crusty old bread with a bit of olive oil. I listened to Mass on EWTN and was filled with the Holy Spirit, so in reality, who needs food when you have Christ to fill your heart. St. Jude has great influence, of this I am now certain.

I have settled now on a way of entering into the Novena, and praise God, those prayers will be granted in a visible and lasting way.

Having watched the situation unfold in Asia due to the Tsunami, I appreciate more fully that my situation is miniscule in comparison to the needs of those in the affected areas. I pray that if any of you who read this message and are compelled to pray for us, please pray instead for those people who suffer in Asia. If you happen to remember my needs, I hope that it will be secondary.

God Bless all of you, and thank you for your kind thoughts.
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