novena to St. Therese

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I’m on the ninth day of a novena to St. Therese, and I haven’t received a rose. This may sound silly, but does that then definitely mean that the answer is “no”?
I don’t think it definitely means no. Your prayers are heard, of that you can be sure. Sometimes though, the rose isn’t as obvious as you might have thought it would be. I would keep praying and keeping looking. Maybe you also need to spend some time asking what it is that God wants. Maybe then you will find your rose.

At least, not necessarily.

Of all the many novenas I have prayed to my beloved Therese over the years, only one, I think was ever affirmed with a literal, physical rose. Most of the rest were answered with “roses” far better - blessings, graces, spiritual favors, etc. One recent such occasion involved, not a real flower, but rather someone giving me a book entitled “A Rose From Heaven”.

I warmly discourage the offering of novenas to Saint Therese practiced with an expectation of receiving a real flower, or any material sign at all - and my Carmelite Order likely concurs - for it borders on superstition and vain, credulous devotion. Now if a real flower is what you *really * need, then she’ll send you one, be sure of it. Otherwise, it’s best rather to seek for affirmations of authentic spiritual value…
Just a little background info on this. For quite some time, I have been seeking the Lord’s guidance regarding a school situation w/ my young daughter. My husband and I are considering two options for her schooling, both w/ pros and cons. I sincerely want the Lord’s will - and I don’t know which dirction to go. I seem to get “signs” that support either option. In another case, I’ve prayed a 54 day rosary novena, realizing what I asked of Our Lady could take a long time to be granted. This is my first time w/ the St. Terese novena - I guess what I’m asking is if there is no rose do I interpret that to mean that the Lord has definitely shown me one option is better than the other - or do I still need to give it time. I really want the Lord’s will in this situation. Thanks for any guidance.
I think in some situations, especially in situations where neither option is wrong, you really don’t need to sit around and wait for God to tell you what to do. You need to make a decision and take action on that decision. God helps those who help themselves. Of course, it is important to stay open to the will of God, but you can’t expect signs as a result of each of your prayers. That would diminish your faith and your free will.

Be patient, be persistent in your prayers. I would also caution that it is important not to be so focussed on what you want, that you fail to see what it is that God wants. Chances are that He isn’t going to give you a call or an e-mail, so you need to quiet your own inner longings and anxieties enough to begin to make out the gentle whispers and loving nudges that God gives to each of us.
thanks for your thoughts:) I appreciate the (name removed by moderator)ut.
If you don’t receive a literal, physical rose, is the Lord answering that one option is better than the other? Not necessarily. Look for your “rose” in unexpected places, in unexpected ways. When St. Therese spoke of roses, she usually meant them in a spritual sense.

Entrust yourself to her in words apart from those of your novena text. She will speak to you in the rose of your heart. See her as a friend and confidante. Speak to her as you would to a sister. Listen carefully and quietly, without allowing your concern to make noise which could obscure her mild voice. It could come to you through the words of one of the readings of the Mass, for example. This just happened to me - again - this past week. It could come in the voice of a friend or relative.

She works in mysterious - that is, not all so obvious - ways. One of the best means to hear what she has to say for you about God’s will for your life is to read something by her, or about her. There you will find not only a rose, but a garden thereof. The best roses she has to offer you are those of her holy life and teaching.
Thanks so much for you kind, wise advice. I will take it very much to heart.:blessyou:
I haven’t always received roses, but once on the ninth day of a novena to her for vocations, I found out about a talk about discerning one’s vocation at the Newman Center at the University of Illinois. I’m just agreeing with the other posters about how she can work in other ways.

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