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I’ve been told that letting water run through your genitals ≠ masturbation, therefore not a sin. Is it really not?
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He claims that is a way to get pleasure without sinning, but I’m telling him that the sin is not because of the seed or touching itself but deliberate stimulation, therefore it has to be a sin, and grave matter, which with full knowledge and consent = mortal sin. What do you think?
He claims that is a way to get pleasure without sinning,
Obtaining sexual pleasure deliberately in any way outside of the proper form, sex within marriage, is a grave matter and can be a mortal sin. It is the obtaining of sexual pleasure that makes masturbation sinful, not the form.
if your will is pleasure, yes its masturbation
if your will is taking a bath, cleaning its not masturbation

any kind touching yourself deliberately in your genitals for pleasure is masturbation
I’m sorry and as I explained later, this post is meant to prove a point. He is convinced that he’s not doing evil and I need people to help me prove that he’s wrong… not in the pride way but in the way of helping him (he seeked help from me on this issue)!
I’ve been told that letting water run through your genitals ≠ masturbation, therefore not a sin. Is it really not?
From Modern Catholic Dictionary we learn that masturbation is of two general kinds “by means of some external object” and “by means of thoughts and the imagination”:
Direct stimulation of the sex organs outside of sexual intercourse. The self-stimulation can be physical, by means of some external object, or psychic, by means of thoughts and the imagination. It is a grave misuse of the procreative faculty and when done with full consent and deliberation is a serious sin. The sinfulness consists in setting in motion the generative powers while preventing them from achieving, their natural, divinely intended purpose.
Who is “he” and why is his opinion so important to you?
Just tell the guy that using any kind of a sexual “aid” for this purpose, including running water, is a grave sin and good luck explaining that to God, so if he wants to take the risk of going to Hell then it’s on him.

Furthermore tell him that if he’s so obsessed with pleasure he can’t give this up and control himself then he has a problem and needs to get help.

Then just don’t discuss it with him any more. I wouldn’t want to be having protracted discussions with anybody about their sexual habits unless maybe it was my child whom I was trying to raise and form.
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