Number of the Beast now said to be "616", will we have to change our Bibles now?

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An newly discovered fragment of the Book of Revelation written in ancient Greek found in Egypt, has been deciphered to contain the number “616” instead of the well known 666.

Is there any credibility at all to this find? If so will we have to change our Bibles now?
Hi 29,

616 is an old alternate rendering of the famous number. This is because of a variant rendering of the man the number alludes to: Nero Caesar. The original transliteration from the Hebrew (NRWN QSR) added up to 666, but a common variant (NRW QSR, the name as expressed in Latin still with Hebrew translit) adds up to only 616.

This story is ho-hum old news; there have been previous manuscripts that contain the 616 number.
Most rev. footnotes say *also translated as 616 in some documents" or something like that. Check yours :). Either way, still fits nero or Gaius Caesar!
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