Number sequences

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So it’s strange but I have a question. I have seen for over 5 months the number 66 everywhere. I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence or what. It seems like everywhere I go and everything I do I see this number 66. For example 66 on license plate right in front of me. 66 on my grocery receipt. 66 on many different things.
I’m not trying to be superstitious but it’s hard not to. Maybe I’m overthinking it but sometimes I feel like something weird is happening.
Flip them upside down and it will be 99 🙂

In all seriousness, pregnant women say they see lots of other pregnant women everywhere that they did not ever notice when they were not pregnant.
If you get a car, piece of clothing, dog, chances are you start noticing the very same thing everywhere you go.
This is, I believe, the only significance of the number 66. Do you remember what caused you to start thinking of this number?
It’s random and means nothing. If you started looking for doubles of any other number you would find those too.
When you start to notice a particular number pattern, or the number of pregnant women, or red cars, or whatever, it’s nothing more than your brain paying attention to those things. It’s simply a normal brain function. Looking for patterns is something humans do.
if it’s just a coincidence
Yes. It is. It’s also a phenomenon where people think the clock is always at 3:33 when they wake up, or whatever.

The truth is, we see lots of number and letter combinations all the time. We key in on certain ones and then just “think” they are happening more frequently than others or exclusively.

It’s not a sign. It’s your imagination running wild and your mind paying attention to what you tell it to— a self fulfilling prophecy.
I’m not trying to be superstitious
But you are being superstitious.

It’s nothing.

Start looking for license places with 42 on then or “JL” in them or the number 42 on billboards, in phone numbers, etc, and you’ll see it everywhere too!!
Maybe play some sudoku until your number-lookers feel adequately reset.
If tomorrow you start seeing 65 everywhere, and then on Thursday 64 everywhere, and then 63 on Friday, and so on, it’s a countdown. That would really be something to get anxious about!
Thank you this really helps me feel better. I was starting to get creeped out because I know the number 666 can be viewed as tied to evil. But I won’t worry about it anymore!
You’re still considered quite fortunate seeing only two of that number all the time. I’d start worrying if I see 3 of that same number everywhere I go. LOL!
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When we recall something, we recall it from the last time that we remember it. So if we are consciously thinking about a certain set of numbers, we will very easily notice those numbers compared to if we weren’t giving it any thought.

The Enemy will capitalize on whatever our pre-existing fears, biases, and weaknesses are in order to take advantage of us. So if a person is prone towards superstition, he will use that to try to make the person unnecessarily fearful, or to make that person think the devil is more powerful than what he really is. This will take away the person’s interior peace and make it harder for them to listen to God’s voice in their daily life.
I will be the last one to tell you it’s your imagination because I know for a fact when it happened to me it was a very real phenomenon. It is why my user name on here is my favorite Saint followed by the number 111. I can not speculate on your situation, only you will know if the numbers have meaning, as God can get our attention using numbers, I’m living proof.

In my case I started seeing the number 111 and 1111 for about a year before my return to the Church, it was usually when my secular life had me doing something I should not be doing. It freaked me out because it was like time stood still and the clocks would be on those times for extended periods of time. I eventually told my wife and a friend at the time, they too witnessed how those numbers seemed to follow everything I did, gas totals, receipts, times of calls, etc.

Now for those who think it was my imagination, I would like to know why I had to take back four cable TV boxes due to them coming on at 1:11 or 11:11 and being on channel 111. This did not happen once, or even twice, but several times. Why would the clocks in my house and the radio in my truck often be stuck on those times?

It took a long time for me to take it all seriously. Those numbers began to have meaning and a purpose in my life. After my conversion it dawned on me while standing in line at Hobby Lobby, there it was on a little note book as I was pondering God and thinking about those numbers, on the cover was Psalm 111 “Fear of the Lord is the begging of wisdom.” I bought the little notebook as a reminder. I thought it was extra special too that the only email I ever received from my father as he was suffering from cancer was an email on November 11 at 11:11 AM that showed ducks flying in a formation that looked like a smiling face, and the email read “God is smiling at you.”

Don’t go crazy over seeing numbers but don’t discount them either. If they have meaning you will know, not one person on here will know any more than you will know when God speaks to them in other ways. God created numbers and numbers carried great weight in Scripture. Just simply pray about it and God will do the rest.
And wow, look at what just happened, my post was response number 11/11, and no I did not plan that, it’s random as I’m running late for work this morning. Too funny!
Its number 11 of 12 now. And when I post this, it will be 11 of 13.
I feel like something weird is happening.
I love numbers and remember many sequences by relating them to MLB pitching stats from the 1970’s. I watch for certain favorites, sevens and elevens, and can say that, when I am aware, I see them all the time. In your case I would not put much importance on the 66’s.
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