Nun stages Da Vinci Code protest

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Nun stages Da Vinci Code protest

Sister Mary Michael knelt in prayer outside the building for 12 hours to object to the production of the film, which stars Tom Hanks.

The 61-year-old believes the film, based on a book written by Dan Brown, contains heresy.

Tom Hanks and the Sony Pictures film crew are believed to have witnessed the nun’s protest.

Sister Mary Michael said she did not care about the effect on them.

"It matters to me what God thinks, not what the film crew think.

“When I face almighty God at my final judgement, as we all will, I can say I did try my best. I did try my best to protest,” she said.

buffalo said:
Nun stages Da Vinci Code protest

Sister Mary Michael knelt in prayer outside the building for 12 hours to object to the production of the film, which stars Tom Hanks.

“When I face almighty God at my final judgement, as we all will, I can say I did try my best. I did try my best to protest,” she said.


Thanks for posting this. Sister Mary Michael is certainly to be admired, and is giving the rest of us a wonderful witness to what we as Catholics should be doing. God bless her.

Too bad they could not do it around the clock. Really mess up the filming:p

Too bad they could not do it around the clock. Really mess up the filming:p

Maybe we could do it when it is released.
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What an example! You can even tell she is a nun.
The referenced article states:
The Dean of Lincoln Cathedral, the Very Reverend Alec Knight, stepped in and allowed production there.
The film company reportedly offered a donation of £100,000.
The Very Rev Knight said: "It’s (the book) been attacked as blasphemous because it argues the notion that Jesus’s humanity included an element of sexuality.
"My view is that the book isn’t blasphemous, it doesn’t denigrate God in any way, but it is speculative, far fetched and heretical.
Is the current price for heresy now at 100,000 pounds?
buffalo said:
Nun stages Da Vinci Code protest

Sister Mary Michael knelt in prayer outside the building for 12 hours to object to the production of the film, which stars Tom Hanks.

The 61-year-old believes the film, based on a book written by Dan Brown, contains heresy.

Tom Hanks and the Sony Pictures film crew are believed to have witnessed the nun’s protest.

Sister Mary Michael said she did not care about the effect on them.

"It matters to me what God thinks, not what the film crew think.

“When I face almighty God at my final judgement, as we all will, I can say I did try my best. I did try my best to protest,” she said.


God bless her! 🙂
Elizabeth B.:
The referenced article states:

Is the current price for heresy now at 100,000 pounds?
And I’m sure THAT price goes up each day, in so many other ways. 😦
Thanks! Sister Mary is my hero. I was wandering if anyone woudl do somthing like that…so powerful and faithful is she! And so brave!
I say… Boycott Tom Hanks, Ron Howard, and Ian McKellen!
Yeah. But that’s the thing about boycotting. Nobody knows they’re being boycotted… and if so, for what reason they’re being boycotted.

What we gotta do is write – en masse – the people with the monetary stakes in this movie.
buffalo said:
Nun stages Da Vinci Code protest

Sister Mary Michael knelt in prayer outside the building for 12 hours to object to the production of the film, which stars Tom Hanks.


This is an example of the news being edited wholesale by the news media. It angered me at the time.

The first news report I heard told of the protest at Lincoln Cathedral. It was by quite a large group of people.

All subsequent reports I’ve heard have ignored that the protest was by quite a large group of people. The only person who we are now told protested is this nun.

The news media have edited out all the other people. And most reports I’ve seen have portrayed the nun as a bit batty.

As for the price of heresy - I am in no way surprised that those in charge of Lincoln Cathedral allowed this to happen. Everything I’ve heard about them has been negative. I even know a couple of Anglican vicars who were basically forced out of the diocese when they refused to stop preaching the gospel - ie that Jesus is THE way and no one comes to the Father but by him.
I want to see this movie. And knowing how Hollywood handles publicity, I suspect this nun and this protest is all a big stunt to promote it.
Dan Brown’s book is fiction, he in no way states that his books are true.

What he does do is scatter factual works of arts, places, and organization thoughout his book, and slowly manipulates them until they fall into one beg extended fictional conspiracy book, a mystery of suspense.

Dan brown is a very talented fictional writer. He can write a book that so well keeps a person in suspense, that even a light or ocasional reader cannot put the book down until they are entirely finished. he can make absurd relations between things, and yet make them plausible because these things actually existed.

Dan Brown writes fiction, not heresy, but a good number of americans take his book as heresy agaist the catholic church because of a general public dislike of othodox christians especialy towards catholics.
Not me! I can’t wait for this movie. The books were amazing. 😃
I hope you mean you cant wait to egg the cinima screen and the books made good fire starters?
Dan Brown’s book is fiction, he in no way states that his books are true.
Yes, he does. Check the “facts page” in The DaVinci Code. He makes bogus claims about elements of his book on his website. Also, in his own words, Brown makes this claim: “[T]he secret behind The Da Vinci Code was too well documented and significant for me to dismiss.”
Dan brown is a very talented fictional writer.
Dan Brown is to quality fiction as McDonald’s is to filet mignon.
Dan Brown writes fiction, not heresy…
So, then, it is not heresy and/or a lie to say that Jesus is not God but that he was only a man; that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene; that Mary Magdalene is to be worshiped as a goddess; that Jesus got her pregnant, and the two had a daughter; that this daughter gave rise to a prominent family line that is still present in Europe today; that Bible was put together by a pagan Roman emperor; that Jesus was viewed as a man and not as God until the fourth century, when he was deified by the emperor Constantine; that the Gospels have been edited to support the claims of later Christians; that in the original Gospels, Mary Magdalene rather than Peter was directed to establish the Church; that there is a secret society known as the Priory of Sion that still worships Mary Magdalene as a goddess and is trying to keep the truth alive; that the Catholic Church is aware of all this and has been fighting for centuries to keep it suppressed; that the Church often has committed murder to do so; and that the Catholic Church is willing to and often has assassinated the descendents of Christ to keep his bloodline from growing.


– Mark L. Chance.
…Dan brown is a very talented fictional writer. He can write a book that so well keeps a person in suspense, that even a light or ocasional reader cannot put the book down until they are entirely finished. he can make absurd relations between things, and yet make them plausible because these things actually existed.

Dan Brown writes fiction, not heresy, but a good number of americans take his book as heresy agaist the catholic church because of a general public dislike of othodox christians especialy towards catholics.
Isn’t this the mark of a good writer? Just because it may go against what a person believes, doesn’t necessarily mean they are a"lousy" writer.
I am surprised at the reaction this book/movie has generated. It’s a book…It’s a movie…You don’t HAVE to buy nor do you HAVE to watch it.
I read various genres of books and I always marvel when someone holds my interest right from the start.
Personally, if Mr. Brown and his writing bother you, I would do as Jesus beckons us to do…Pray for him.
~ Kathy ~
Catholic Dude:
I hope you mean you cant wait to egg the cinima screen and the books made good fire starters?
Of course thats what I meant! 🙂

No but seriously, I really do wanna see this movie :). When I’m an accomplished filmmaker, I will attempt to turn ‘Angels & Demons’ into a film too.

Dan Brown claims some elements of his literature are true. (The Knights Templar, The Masons) The books are fictional, but some of the content is true.
Sister Mary said he (the very rev. Knight) should be providing a strong leadership for the teachings of the Church and should not be “sitting on the fence” about the book’s basic claims.
God bless her effort and may we all learn something from it.
As to the book being referred to by a poster as “amazing”, methinks the poster should read more.
If you want good novel reading intermixed with fact, try James Michner’s books.
If you are looking for history and religion in mixed fact and fiction, read* The Source*. IMHO, the best of Michner’s efforts.
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