The Gala is simply proof of Hollywood’s hypocrisy.
If anyone one did this with Islam, Judaism, Asian Culture, African Culture, Native America culture, etc; the left would be screaming “cultural appropriation,” “cultural insensitivity,” etc.
It’s just proof that in the minds of the elite left, that’s it’s still OK to mock the Catholic Church.
NOW: I can understand why the Vatican gave the vestments to the Met for their display. But where was Cardinal Dolan’s PR person? The Archdiocese of New York should have known that the Gala would have turned into a PR nightmare for him and the Catholic Church.
Also, the Archdiocese of New York really needs to distance itself more from America Magazine, which I’m not surprised they were strongly support this, since that Magazine is the flagship of the Americanism Heresy.
God Bless.