Obedience and honor to parents

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Hi all, I am a strong believer that children need to obey their parents. All I was wondering is where we get the teaching that children need to obey their parents in everything that is morally acceptable when the fourth commandments only states that children need to honor them? Thank you all!
Thank you for your reply!
I believe once they move out of the house they can make their own decisions.
I believe once they move out of the house they can make their own decisions.
If they haven’t been allowed to make their own decisions long before then, they are going to have a hard time adjusting to the real world.
To be completely honest, what you speak of is partly what I am unsure about. I don’t know exactly who, how, and when one should obey. Also, please forgive me as I’m not the most knowledgeable person on this topic.
More of what I’m asking is if you think that 16,17, and 18 year-olds need to obey their parents in all things, or can they just “pick and choose” in a respectful and honorable manner?

Ex. Mom says “Honey go clean your room.” 17 year old child responds “I can’t clean my room right now cause I have to run an errand but as it is prudent to clean my room I will make sure to do it tonight.”

Ex. 2 Dad says to his 18 year old son who still lives in the house “Son I don’t want you to date that girl because she’s 5’7” and brunette."(ridiculous btw) Son says “No way dad, I think she’s beautiful”
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when it comes the topic of respect (and obedience) owed to parents, there isn’t one “blanket” answer.
That’s true.

However, it seems to me schools teach much about individual rights (nothing inherently wrong about that), and rather little about obligations such as personal Honour and integrity, the duty of obedience to parents and so on.
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Respect them always and be obedient in everything what isn’t sin, against the law, moral and common sense.
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