Obedience in switching parishes

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My brother and I attend a Novus Ordo parish, but I really enjoy the TLM. I want to only attend it (we have a TLM 45 minutes from us every Sunday), but my brother believes that it would be disobedient to not attend our normal parish anymore because we are its parishioners. He cites St. Padre Pio for this belief in strict obedience. Any thoughts?
Would it be considered disobedience to stop attending your own parish?
I’m not the father who answered but no it’s not disobedience. Even if you decided to completely switch over to the other church it wouldn’t be disobedience.
Explain to me how it might be disobedient. Whom are you disobeying by going to another parish? Who ordered you to go to one and only one?
St. Pio (I don’t know if this is true) got mad at his nun-sister for leaving her convent because it was becoming modern. My brother thinks that leaving our parish might be disobedience because we don’t like the “modernness” of it.
You have to begin with someone or something to which you are supposed to be obedient before you can be disobedient. There’s no one and no law telling you that you have to stay at any one parish. You aren’t Padre Pio’s sister.
Thank you. (Quick question: the specific vow of obedience [apart from a general vow/mandate of obedience to God and His Church] one might make when in Holy Orders or consecrated life is what Padre Pio meant, as the story goes)?
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St. Pio (I don’t know if this is true) got mad at his nun-sister for leaving her convent because it was becoming modern. My brother thinks that leaving our parish might be disobedience because we don’t like the “modernness” of
You might want to point out to him that (a) your parish is not a convent, and (b) your family are not, apparently, members of a religious order, and have not made vows of obedience.
The lay faithful do owe general obedience to the Church, but the Church has not bound us to attend a particular parish. Yes, your local geographic parish is YOUR parish, and that has certain canonical implications, but you’re not bound to attend there.
You can go to Mass wherever you want.

I agree, as long as the TLM is offered in union with the local diocese. The OP said he wants to bypass his “Novus Ordo parish” and attend a TLM, I hope at an actual parish, or diocesan chapel or with a priest in union with the diocese or religious order. People sometimes use the term parish informally.
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