Obeying Parents as an Adult

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In regards to obeying parents, when you are an adult how far does their orders have to obeyed? does it change if you are living with them?
Difference between someone who turned 18 six-weeks ago and now wants to be able to ignore the parents’ house rules and a 30 year old who has moved back home and is self supporting.

Can you define a bit more?
An 18 year old where the parents dont want them to go round a persons house, or leave the house etc rules like that rather than not putting your plate in the sink etc.
I would advise you to obey your parents. These rules are not unjust, in fact, staying in place right now is the most charitable thing we can do for our families, our community and ourselves.

Most of the world is in quarantine. I would not permit my teenager to go around breaking quarantine.
An 18 year old where the parents dont want them to go round a persons house, or leave the house etc rules like that rather than not putting your plate in the sink etc.
The Catechecism speaks of when a child becomes emancipated. Being 18 doesn’t mean you are immediately “an adult”.

Those in between years when we are 18-21 can be difficult and we negotiate new boundaries.

Referring to going out right now while we are supposed to be socially distancing, your parents have every right to require you to refrain from doing that while you are living in their house. You could become infected and bring that home into their house, and that is very serious.
Well, if your parents are working to avoid getting sick, it seems reasonable to ask you to abide by the same rules, so you don’t get them sick.
If it’s because of Covid, then you should listen to them, and the laws/advice where you live. I think asking you not to go out or not to go to someone else’s house is reasonable at this time, because of the pandemic. You have to think of your health, and your parents’ health, if you were to contract the virus.
Or non Covid19 related, there might be something about that person the parents don’t like.

Kids can be very influenced by other kids, but it’s the parents who have to live with the fall out.
In regards to obeying parents, when you are an adult how far does their orders have to obeyed?
The ten commandments only speaks of “honoring” you mother and your father. This is a responsibility that lasts throughout life. When one is a child, one honors one’s parents by obeying them. When one becomes an adult, one finds other ways to honor their parents besides strict obedience.
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