I am a recent convert from Anglicanism to Roman Catholicism. I am from an Anglo Catholic tradition and was deeply involved in my Parish in the capacity of Server, Catechist, Sunday School Teacher, Eucharistic Assistant, and Licensed Reader. I crossed the Tiber because of increasing liberalism and the loss of traditional forms in Anglicanism and have now embraced the TLM which I have come to love. In converting I of course lost much, including my Lay Ministry, but have gained a much deeper incite and depth into the faith. Whilst an Anglican I was an Oblate of an Anglican Order in Yorkshire, but have now also lost that since my conversion as they accept only Anglicans. I am looking to deepen my spirituality and realize that at 57 years old I am now barred from any meaningful, or should I say active ministry within the Catholic Church, and am considering looking into the possibility of looking to become an oblate once again within an Catholic community, but find once again that I might be “past it” in the eyes of the Church
Does anyone know of any communities that would potentially accept an older person ? or indeed have any other suggestions. Thanks