Hi all This post is a follow up to another post I made a few weeks ago, and I have the feeling that it may be helpful to some of you on here. I have suffered from intrusive thoughts since I was 13, and I always thought they were my fault. I thought I was constantly sinning, and I was afraid and unhappy beyond anything else. These thoughts came, never left, gave me anxiety, I did not and I do not want them. I posted a question on here about weather anyone could help me figure out if they were sins or temptations, and someone realized what was going on with me and suggested that I see a doctor. I did, and it turns out that I have OCD. Not the cleaning kind, but the intrusive thought, magical thinking , religious scruple kind. I once went to confession and my poor, kind priest who did not know what OCD looked like either thought it was an evil spirit afflicting me because of the nature of my thoughts ( OCD obsessions). I stopped going to communion because I was so afraid that I would offend Him with my mind that I just cannot control. My doctor is helping me with anxiety medication and therapy, and it is infinitely better now. Guys, I am back to going to communion and the guilt is way better now, even my thoughts have calmed down some. If you guys have something like this, or know someone who is going through this please pray and go to a good doctor. It made all the difference in my life