Dear Brothers and Sisters,
By God’s Grace, let us continue listening to God’s Wisdom in words from St. Louis de Montfort’s “True Devotion”:
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, kindle in us, the Fire of Your Love and they shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth. Bring us into ALL trith as Jesus promised.
(cf Jn 16:13)
Jesus, we trust in You! Mary Mother of the Church, pray for us!
By God’s Grace, let us continue listening to God’s Wisdom in words from St. Louis de Montfort’s “True Devotion”:
Please listen to what God has given to St. Louis de Montfort. Without God, we can do nothing (cf Jn 15:5). All the saints believed the Truth they heard from God and by their lives and words, shared His Truth with others - as Mary listened to all Jesus said and did and pondered all in her heart. Mary did the Truth she heard.1. False devotion to our Lady
Critical devotees
- There are, I find, seven kinds of false devotion to Mary, namely, the devotion of (1) the critical, (2) the scrupulous, (3) the superficial, (4) the presumptuous, (5) the inconstant, (6) the hypocritical, (7) the self-interested.
- Critical devotees are for the most part proud scholars, people of independent and self-satisfied minds, who deep down in their hearts have a vague sort of devotion to Mary. However, they criticise nearly all those forms of devotion to her which simple and pious people use to honour their good Mother just because such practices do not appeal to them. They question all miracles and stories which testify to the mercy and power of the Blessed Virgin, even those recorded by trustworthy authors or taken from the chronicles of religious orders. They cannot bear to see simple and humble people on their knees before an altar or statue of our Lady, or at prayer before some outdoor shrine. They even accuse them of idolatry as if they were adoring the wood or the stone. They say that as far as they are concerned they do not care for such outward display of devotion and that they are not so gullible as to believe all the fairy tales and stories told of our Blessed Lady. When you tell them how admirably the Fathers of the Church praised our Lady, they reply that the Fathers were exaggerating as orators do, or that their words are misrepresented. These false devotees, these proud worldly people are greatly to be feared. They do untold harm to devotion to our Lady. While pretending to correct abuses, they succeed only too well in turning people away from this devotion.
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, kindle in us, the Fire of Your Love and they shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth. Bring us into ALL trith as Jesus promised.
(cf Jn 16:13)
Jesus, we trust in You! Mary Mother of the Church, pray for us!
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