ODD behavior by Family Members, Anyone?

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I have an aunt who lives in another state. She lives next door to her aunt and uncle and there is another aunt and uncle who live in a town close by. That’s the only family she has left besides us and them.
I tried to call her on her birthday, so did my brother, and we got an answering machine. After calling her house a few more times, my brother decided to call the aunt and uncle who live next door to her. He get’s a bizare answer," I can’t tell you what’s going on."
SO he calls the aunt and uncle who live in the next town over, he gets another bizare answer," I can’t tell you what’s going on."
I get REALLY pissed off at such stupid answers and have my husband call. :mad: the aunt and uncle who live in the next town over, they hand the phone to my aunt who vaguelly tells him she’s staying with the aunt and uncle in that town over, and that she is experiencing some health problems…
WHAT WAS THE PROBLEM with telling my brother this?? I find this behavior bizare.
Don’t we all have some version of the proverbial “crazy aunt in the attic,” black sheep or prodigal son somewhere in our family tree? But for them, wouldn’t family reunions and family gossip be far less entertaining!?! 😉
Where do I add to the list 80 percent of my family:D I got a good one…my sister worked with her sister-in-law (they were best friends and met her husband through her) and said the vacations list came out today and SIL got the first two weeks of June. Her mother-in -law yelled at my sister for discussing “private family business”:confused: It broke up the friendship of my sister and SIL. The mother-in-law never spoke to her again. (SIL was asking prior to this worried she won’t get the time she wanted-which was the 1st 2 weeks of June and wanted my sister to check as soon as the list came out):confused: My sister was banished from all family events after that:banghead: TALK ABOUT NUT-JOBS!!!:bounce:
I think that my family could be the poster people for dysfunctional families. My mother is the most loony. All my life she has been dying of some strange disease or another. SHe is also paranoid. There are cameras all over her house and when she leaves she puts a lock with a combo on the door. Oddly enough, these precautions don’t make her feel safe. She is certain that someone is breaking in her house and looking at her stuff. THe conversations that I sometimes have with her over this mysterious stranger that doesn’t show up on her camera and locks the door behind himself, would be funny if it wasn’t so troubling and sad.

So, I have a lot of empathy for you.
Wow, Deb, I read your post and wonder what I am crying about!
Has your mom been on medication or been in treatment?
My Mom’s sister, is probably our oddest family member…or maybe just the cruelest…she’s been harrassing my mom about not having any grandchildren and flaunting her grandkids and actually telling my mom she is to have NO access to them. some of my cousins are totally supportive of their mom’s decision…others, not so much…the problem is, I have major fertility issues and my aunt is using her grandkids to flaunt some sort of imagined superiority over my mother…crazy I tell you…crazy…I’m praying about that one a lot…

Then of course there are my husband’s grandparents…they’re a roit…I love them…sometimes they scare us…unintentionally…like the time grandpa called and said grandma was going to the hospital for an autopsy…he meant biopsy…Bless his heart…he was trying…they’re a good kind of odd though…
I’ve been trying to make sure that I include her in my prayers as often as possible…hopefully she will come to see that there is no love like a sister’s love…and go to my mother sincerely seeking forgiveness…Mom has a big heart, and will forgive her…I just don’t understand that need to be superior that my aunt seems so caught up in…it makes my heart hurt to see the trouble she is causing my mom, and I feel ultimatly responsible…
Eerybody has these. I have more than my fair share. Sooner or later, they will tell you what was going on that day, even laugh about it. It will be something so innane that you will slap your head and wonder if they all don’t need to live in a funny farm with a high fence. But at the time, to them, it was important.
I think that my family could be the poster people for dysfunctional families. .
Wow sounds like mine but my sister not my poor deceased mother. my sister puts on line to all the family about being molested by my uncle well my sister opens this large can of worms that is awful and buries my mother through it all and now she is best friends with these aunts and uncles who covered it all up for years. Sounds like we all have some nuts in our families.
I think that my family could be the poster people for dysfunctional families. My mother is the most loony. All my life she has been dying of some strange disease or another. SHe is also paranoid. There are cameras all over her house and when she leaves she puts a lock with a combo on the door. Oddly enough, these precautions don’t make her feel safe. She is certain that someone is breaking in her house and looking at her stuff. THe conversations that I sometimes have with her over this mysterious stranger that doesn’t show up on her camera and locks the door behind himself, would be funny if it wasn’t so troubling and sad.

So, I have a lot of empathy for you.
My in-laws put the FUN in DYSFUNCTIONAL.

I’ve noticed my mother-in-law getting worse with her emotional problems. My husband has had a horrible week with all that he deals with and I’m always on the receiving end of it. The whole family is alike and the majority of my depression is a result of having to deal with their self-absorbed, indifferent, unsympathetic attitudes towards anyone around them. Plus they are like your mom, complete hypochondriacs…they think they have fatal hangnails. To top it off they hate taking any kind of medication so whenever the doctor suggests some kind of anti-anxiety or anti-depression pills to them, they won’t hear of it, those kinds of drugs might have adverse effects on them like the few rare cases you hear about on the news…you know the ones that get worse by taking the stuff that’s supposed to help them?

15 years is a long time to be ground down emotionally by these people and I’ve finally sought help from a therapist so I can get myself back on my feet since I don’t have the emotional support I need or want from my husband or either of our families. I was 19 and totally ignorant of what I was getting myself into when I married my husband.

My family sometimes does the same thing to me that lilyofthevalley’s does, don’t tell what’s going on until well after the fact or if at all…for example, my aunt went in to have a hysterectomy but didn’t tell anyone about her surgery until after she was home. No one knew she was having problems either. My uncle just said she’ll call when she can if he ever answered the phone while she was in the hospital or the messages went unanswered until she got home.

That’s only one example of many of how things are kept hush hush in my family for God only knows what reasons.

At least you know we aren’t alone in our struggles. 🙂 God bless!
Everyone has an Aunt Helen.
OMG I laughed because I do have a strange Aunt Helen…but my mom is worse…getting married in 5 weeks and mom doesn’t know if she can come because her dog just can’t go to a kennel…OMG!!! I rank even lower than I thought. Sister won’t give me her phone # but I can have her address to send an invite so she can tell me she doesn’t have any vacation time left to come to wedding. Mom says I have to send an invite to Aunt Helen but that she will talk to her and explain that she can’t come because mom doesn’t want to have to “take care of her” if she decides to come…oh did I mention Aunt Helen being so totally upset because her ex SIL(same guy that gave out Pizza Hut coupons at my fathers funeral) went to jail for molesting boys? Yup, she didn’t think he would get jail time…and this was after her daughter and he divorced many years before and he got custody of all three sons…hmmmm
Lily…we all have those in our families…at least sometime later we can laugh about them…
Mine is Aunt Sue…

maybe we should write a book?
Good Idea but who would believe it:D the things Nancy has done I have trouble believing it and I lived through it:bigyikes: It could be called “Diary of a Nut Job”😃
I could write a (depressing) book.
Instead, I moved 800 miles away.
Most of them never call or write.
My anxiety level has tumbled to normal.
It’s easier to pray for all the nuts since I don’t have to deal with them on a day to day basis anymore.
Hey Lily! Talk about odd family members–honey I’ve got a few indeed! MIL for one, FIL, for 2—BIL for 3—one of my brothers-- 4. All odd. But God love em’ and so must we!
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