Hi, I’m new here. “Someone I know” is on a five year probation for a first offense domestic violence misdemeanor that happened in 2015 (before reversion to the Church). The judge was extremely harsh and the current probation officer is not approachable or even available to communicate with. Consequently, for all practical purposes, in this particular case, conditions do not allow:
-Driving a car
-Changing residence
-Living in a residence where alcohol is present, whether it belongs to the person on probation or their housemate (but, again, moving is an impossibility)
-Changing jobs
This doesn’t include stuff like drinking, going on vacation, etc. which is also prohibited but not necessary for daily life.
“Someone I know” is beside himself with guilt because “someone I know” is aware that the Church advises Her flock to follow all just laws. Conversely, “someone I know” wonders how just these laws really are, as following them to the letter would mean unemployment and other bad things.
Being found in violation, in this case, means a permanent conviction and a year in jail on the other side of the country. I can’t provide more details on this public forum.
Your perspective on this crisis of conscience would be greatly appreciated. God bless.
-Driving a car
-Changing residence
-Living in a residence where alcohol is present, whether it belongs to the person on probation or their housemate (but, again, moving is an impossibility)
-Changing jobs
This doesn’t include stuff like drinking, going on vacation, etc. which is also prohibited but not necessary for daily life.
“Someone I know” is beside himself with guilt because “someone I know” is aware that the Church advises Her flock to follow all just laws. Conversely, “someone I know” wonders how just these laws really are, as following them to the letter would mean unemployment and other bad things.
Being found in violation, in this case, means a permanent conviction and a year in jail on the other side of the country. I can’t provide more details on this public forum.
Your perspective on this crisis of conscience would be greatly appreciated. God bless.