# of Saints's name in confirmation?

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I’m in RCIA and was told last night to start thinking about picking a Saint’s name for Confirmation. But I’ve been thinking about that for months. The thing is, there’s several Saints that really speak to me and that I’d like to honor. I wonder if it’s okay to have more than one Saint’s name or if it would be frowned upon or seem indecisive or pretentious. (I’d hate, the day of my Confirmation, for the members of my Church to start chanting “Flip-flop! Flip-flop!,” like the audience did in reference to Kerry at the GOP convention last night.)
I’m in RCIA and was told last night to start thinking about picking a Saint’s name for Confirmation. But I’ve been thinking about that for months. The thing is, there’s several Saints that really speak to me and that I’d like to honor. I wonder if it’s okay to have more than one Saint’s name or if it would be frowned upon or seem indecisive or pretentious. (I’d hate, the day of my Confirmation, for the members of my Church to start chanting “Flip-flop! Flip-flop!,” like the audience did in reference to Kerry at the GOP convention last night.)
One is all you need. The rest you can honor in other ways, UNLESS of course all of them have the same first name. 😉 I could not decide between Therese “The Little Flower” and Theresa of Avila. So, I took the name Theresa/Therese and I considered them both my Patron Saint and still do. 🙂
I realize one is all I need, but there’s more than one I’d like.
I have been teaching confirmation for many years and yes you can pick more than one name. You can conbine a couple of names if you like and or you may pick a virtue, like charity, prudence, faith. Remember that the name you pick may be one of either sex. Each year I have one or two comfirmandi who choose a vitrue or name of the oppisite sex.

Take time to pray to the Holy Spirit to guide you in choosing your name.

God bless you.
Thanks. I have read of various Europeans who had “Maria” as one of their names, especially Catholic royalty.

But the larger question now would be, apart from prayer and study, how do you narrow down the saint list? I printed up this list of the various things the saints are patrons of and it ran over 20 pages even with the type size reduced.

There are patrons for various occupations, but I’ve had more than one occupation in my time. My birthday is All Souls Day, and the saints for that day really don’t “speak” to me. And there are patron saints for all sorts of qualities, that prevent certain things, that represent certain diseases.

And I need to figure all this out in 14 weeks. I doubt I can read all four volumes of Butler’s “Lives of the Saints” in that time. Looks like I’ll have my work cut out for me.
Choose a saint that you admire and want to patern your live after, at least in spirit. Different people choose for different reasons.

I took St. Joseph (I made my confirmation when I was in 5th grade) because I admired his humility, he was the foster father of the messiah, God, and he took this task seriously and with all his love, FOR GOD, not for himself.

I know others who took the name of an aunt, uncle, or friend, whom they admired, not for the saint whose name they choose. Some picked a neme they liked. Some the name of one of their parents.

There is no one right reason for choosing a name. I personaly find it more meaningful to choose the name of a saint that has a special neaning for me in my life.

Mabey you have prayed to a saint for intercesion to God, for some intention, and thingd worked out well, and you want to honor that saint for his/her help.

God bless you,
have you asked your guardian angel to help you choose, the angels surely know the saints well.
My confimation name is Therese Joy. I chose Therese (the Little Flower) because her story in a Catholic childrens book had the prettiest pictures. I thought Joy sounded nice and I did find it on a list of saints names. Even though I was 16 (or so) when I was confirmed the saints were rather abstract to me so I really didn’t know what I was doing. Anyway, if I were to do it again I would choose St. Maxmillian Kolbe. I love Uncle Max.

It’s interesting that he was a missionary and St. Therese made praying for missionaries her mission. Also, I like Theresa of Avila; that’s who Therese is named for. It all comes together. And I hasten to add, St. Therese obviously hasn’t held my distance from her against me; she’s come though for me a number of times.
I’ll be Confirmed next June… am going to take the names of St Anthony and St Dymphna, the first because I’m always losing things and am often lost myself (though the latter not in a temporal sense), and St Dymphna, because, shall we say, I fall under her patronage. My middle name is already the name of a Saint, so it could be a mouthful.

“Sarah Anthony Dymphna Michelle Mc_______”
Hehe I was torn between Pope St. Pius V and Pope St. Pius X, so the priest who confirmed me said “Hey, why not just go with Pius and claim them both?” LOL God bless ya!
I’m in RCIA and was told last night to start thinking about picking a Saint’s name for Confirmation. But I’ve been thinking about that for months. The thing is, there’s several Saints that really speak to me and that I’d like to honor. I wonder if it’s okay to have more than one Saint’s name or if it would be frowned upon or seem indecisive or pretentious. (I’d hate, the day of my Confirmation, for the members of my Church to start chanting “Flip-flop! Flip-flop!,” like the audience did in reference to Kerry at the GOP convention last night.)
While you are deliberating, don’t forget that the OT Patriarchs and Prophets are also “Saints.” One woman I know, (a Convert from Judaism) took the name “Elijah.” (Cool, huh?) Be prepared to defend your choice if you do that; sometimes we have to catechize the catechists. If I had been given the choice, I would have chosen the name “Naaman.” It is a European custom to take the name of Mary – even for men. Think of the composer Karl-Maria von Weber, the Cure d’Ars: St. Jean-Marie Baptiste Vianney. So you could take a hyphenated name or a whole name. Paul-Mary.
Well, I greatly admire Pius XII and Fulton Sheen, but thus far I am toying with “John Francis Thaddeus Augustine,” though that’s by no means settled.
One is all you need. The rest you can honor in other ways, UNLESS of course all of them have the same first name. 😉 I could not decide between Therese “The Little Flower” and Theresa of Avila. So, I took the name Theresa/Therese and I considered them both my Patron Saint and still do. 🙂
Didn’t Therese take her name after Theresa?😃
My 10-year-old son has already had his confirmation name picked out for the last two years: Juan Diego.

Given the fact that he has three names as the result of a novena to St. Anthony, this child’s name will be Paul Michael Anthony Juan Diego.

Or (as he is fond of saying)–Pablo Miguel Antonio Juan Diego!

Calling this kid in to dinner is like reciting the Litany of the Saints!

Try saying the name of this Spanish Prince this three times fast:

**Alfonso Maria Isabel Francisco Eugenio Gabriel Pedro Sebastian Pelayo Fernando Francisco de Paula Pio Miguel Rafael Juan José Joaquin Ana Zacarias Elisabeth Simeón Tereso Pedro Pablo Tadeo Santiago Simon Lucas Juan Mateo Andrès Bartolomé Ambrosio Geronimo Agustin Bernardo Candido Gerardo Luis-Gonzaga Filomeno Camilo Cayetano Andrès-Avelino Bruno Joaquin-Picolimini Felipe Luis-Rey-de-Francia Ricardo Esteban-Protomartir Genaro Nicolas Estanislao-de-Koska Lorenzo Vicente Crisostomo Cristano Dario Ignacio Francisco-Javier Francisco-de Borja Higona Clemente Esteban-de-Hungria Ladislado Enrique Ildefonso Hermenegildo Carlos-Borromoeo Eduardo Francisco-Régis Vicente-Ferrer Pascual Miguel-de-los-Santos Adriano Venancio Valentin Benito José-Oriol Domingo Florencio Alfacio Benére Domingo-de-Silos Ramon Isidro Manuel Antonio Todos-los-Santos de Borbón **

Infante of Spain and Portugal, born Madrid 15 Nov 1866-died Madrid 28 Apr 1934.
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