Offering up Communion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maria-Pia
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How does one offer up their Communion?

Any specific prayers to say or scripture verses to contemplate?

What happens when one offers up their Communion?
I get to answer first. What a privilege. While I can’t offer you a good scholarly answer I can offer what I have been doing for 29 years. Maybe I have been less than perfect in my Holy Communion offerings for the past 29 years but here is what I’ve been doing.
Immediately following reception of Holy Communion I go back to the pew and offer thanks that Jesus has come down to unite himself with me and I ask for his Sacred Heart to encompass my weak, human heart. After Mass ends I remain a minute or two and offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass along with my Holy Communion for a variety of intentions ranging from the health and guidance of our Pope to meaningful employment for an out-of-work family member; however, I don’t think I’m answering your question very well. I think that when we are in a state of grace (not conscious of having committed any mortal sin) and receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist this is the most efficacious time to ask of him what we need by merit of his passion and cross and by being physically and spiritually so close to him.
Anyone feel free to redirect my thinking if I am off course on Maria’s question. As for specific prayers I personally like praying St. Padre Pio’s Communion Prayer.
I have a hard time with this, because in reality, I am not sure what "offering up Communion all means/entails, but I am trying. I am one of those people that always has something from the past nagging me all the time. Usually before I go up to Communion I will ask our Lady for help in recieving her Son humbly and lovingly since she knows better how to “welcome Him” into my heart/soul. Then I sometimes will “offer” Communion for something going on in my mind, like if I see something bad going on in the world or perhaps a friend that is in need of help, that I supose is a nice way of praying for them when Our Lord dwells within us (my mind can’t grasp that of course). When I return, I try to pray the Anima Christi which I LOVE, and recently the Dedication to Jesus prayer by St. Ignatius. They are both on the back of the missal in our church.
I usually offer up my communion thus:

When the Priest raises the Host and the bell rings, I silently pray: Lord at this consecration, I offer up thy body for the conversion of sinners thruout the world.

When he raises up the Cup, I silently pray, Lord I offer up thy Blood in atonement for our sins thruout the world. 🙂
Thanks for your answers. So the answer to my last question is presumably that whatever benefit I would have received from receiving Communion is given to the one I am praying for, correct?
Ouch, that is a question I have always had to. I always wonder if me offering Communion for someone puts the benefit with someone else and not me, because the Good Lord knows that I am always needing some serious help! I am going to take a guess though and say that both recieve the bebefits, since God is after all Infinite. But I am no saint, so you would have to see what they have to say about it. You may even try doing a google search for “offering Communion” and when it pulls up a website you couls ask someone on the site.

How come they never taught me this stuff in school???
Because you are humbly offering the graces of your Holy Communion for others, Our Lord will surely shower you with graces of your own! He would never “subtract” our graces, because “it is in giving that we receive.”
Because you are humbly offering the graces of your Holy Communion for others, Our Lord will surely shower you with graces of your own! He would never “subtract” our graces, because “it is in giving that we receive.”
I think you said it much better thatn I could have…right on!😃
The concept can be compared to someone who riskes their life to save another…more graces, more glory, etc… 🙂
Maria-Pia, You can buy from TAN publishers a book called “A novena of Holy Communions” ( There are some great prayers included besides the novena.
When I receive Communion after some time of welcome and recognising my unworthiness I repeat the Prayer of the Angel of Fatima x 3. In this prayer you "offer the Almighty Father the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity fo His dearly beloved Son in reparation for all the outrages, sacrilage and indifference by which He is offended". I usually add in as a personal extra "in atonement for all my sins" just before the in reparation part!!
Usually then I follow it up with the Anima Christi and finally the Divine Praises.

There have been times where I have received twice in one day. What I do then is I realise that to receive Jesus in a state of grace once in a lifetime is enough to fill me with all the graces and mercy to last me for ever. As I receive the second time I say "Not to me O Lord not to me be all the graces and mercy of this moment but to that soul which is most in need." In other words I offer my second Communion with all its graces and mercy for that soul who is, at that moment, most in need. I try to picture myself as a mirror reflecting the graces and mercy to that soul.
Any suggestions as to whether it is a good move or not?

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