Oh My...Rather disasterous Christian Rock video

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i’m speechless…

actually this wasnt a bad message, but that video had me laughing.
I liked the part about “66 books, and if you’re Catholic, you got even more…”
I’m sure the guy had pure intentions, but I found it to be disrespectful. But, I find most contemporary Christian music to be disrespectful anyway. I guess it’s just the Jew in me. 🙂
Christian Rock? Puhleeeeze.

Lousy music labeled ‘rock’ is still lousy music.
I thought the video was great… Very funny… And inspires hope in those girls reading the bible instead of watching lousy television…
I would rather my son watch and listen to that then to some of the one’s that are out there.
Send that link to your local radio stations and see what happens…it would actually get some airplay.
Scarey 😃
its making its rounds around my campus as we speak…and my friends are loving it!!!
im pretty (well, very) traditional, so this kind of stuff usually bothers me bc it seems irreverent.

BUT THIS IS HILARIOUS! and i think its a very positive message in a secular world.
I’m more of a “Baby got beads” guy myself. A girl praying the rosary, woooo. Probably why I was initially attracted to my lovely gf :love: .
Have you all seen this? Take a look, it is a remake of Sir Mix A Lots song “Baby Got Back.” A prime example of bad music gone worse, I think.

hahahaha, that is hilarious. I thought I was gonna fall over laughin.
Sgt Sweaters:
ditto that, that’s just weird! I don’t think I really like the lyrics all that much. Maybe he did mean well, but…I rather listen to my kids’ Sonicflood. Sounds to me like he’s actually trying to make fun of people reading the good book, I might be wrong, though…:confused:
ditto that, that’s just weird! I don’t think I really like the lyrics all that much. Maybe he did mean well, but…I rather listen to my kids’ Sonicflood. Sounds to me like he’s actually trying to make fun of people reading the good book, I might be wrong, though…:confused:
Naw…he’s just a well meanin’ Prot Bible college student I think. Hey at least he didn’t dis the Church
Pax vobiscum,
I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stop laughing. :rotfl: I have a clear memory of the original is probably why.
I liked it though, I like all types of Christian music.
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