Oh the people you meet when you evangelize :-)

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Hey guys,

Well when I checked my email today I found out I had a new comment on my YouTube video =) this is what it said, however:

'Mariolotry, the worship of Marian, was instituted in 451 AD by the Council of Chalcedon; the early Catholic churches (who were and are still considered pagans) instituted this worship.

Research the early “fathers” and see who they worshiped. It wasn’t the One True GOD; in fact Constantine was a pagan also, he worshiped Horus with the lot of them.

I implore you (I’m a former Catholic) to read the Bible. The catechism says the exact opposite of GOD’S Word. I say this with the love of JESUS.’

My video is on Mary worship (I debunked it). Anyway, I actually started laughing a little 😛 but at the same time, it’s sad that if this man (or woman) was a indeed a Catholic, they turned their back on the Faith and now believe this nonsense 😦

The video is ‘Quick Refuatations: Mary ‘worship’’ by onecatholichurch (me) 🙂

So your thoughts?

Coolduude 🙂
another poorly informed and barely literate person railing against something they clerely don’t understand. Show me the council where Mary WORSHIP is endorsed. Show it to me.

God bless.

This makes me so sad, so sad, so sad. That Catholics would throw away something this beautiful, this precious… Lord have mercy!
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