My girlfriend is 20wks pregnant; at a routine u/s they told her she had placenta previa, which is where the placenta forms under the baby, between the baby and the cervix (thereby blocking the baby’s grand entranceway). The docs put her on “pelvic bedrest” meaning no “marital act” until her 6wk post partum checkup…she’s devastated, and while she knows her hubby will understand completely, they will both miss eachother greatly (in that way, that is). The doctor told her "that’s not to say you can’t do other things, but no actual “doing the deed” – so since they won’t be “preventing life” b/c she is already pregnant, is it sinful for them to “be together” without actually having sex? (i.e. doing other things with eachother – nothing nasty, mind you, but physical intimacy that doesn’t include the dangerous activity)
What say you all?? I didn’t know what to tell her; I mean, in theory it’s not spilling life-giving anything, b/c she’s already pregnant, and it’s not to “replace an act that could conceive life” b/c she’s already pregnant, kwim?
What say you all?? I didn’t know what to tell her; I mean, in theory it’s not spilling life-giving anything, b/c she’s already pregnant, and it’s not to “replace an act that could conceive life” b/c she’s already pregnant, kwim?