Old Habits Returning

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Before I returned to Catholocism I was deeply interested in Astrology, and actually acquired quite alot of “knowledge” in this field. Even though I’ve put any books on this subject away, what I “learned” keeps coming back to me. When I meet someone new, the first thing that I wonder is: “I wonder what their Sun Sign is?” Up until I found my faith, I found alot of validity in astrology, based off of the fact that it was more often than not, accurate. Because it seemed so factual in the past, I find it hard not to think this way. I’m trying to break the habit, but is it actually wrong to acknowledge that it seemed to be working for me, even if I don’t practice it anymore?
The validity you found in Astralogy was probably due to the devil working through it. I don’t think it would be wrong of you to acknowledge that it has worked for you in the past–because it does work. And this is very scary, when you think about it.

Remember that astralogy/divination, or any instance in which you put your faith into something that is not God, is like opening a door to the devil and letting him right in. The devil sees these things as opportunities. He works through them by providing you with correct answers in order to strengthen your faith in these practices–and thereby weaken your faith in God. Be very afraid of astralogy. It is occult–literally, it is dealing with the devil.

And worse yet, it is a mortal sin that separates you from the grace of God. Remember the First Commandment. God alone is deserving of your complete faith. Receive the sacrament of Confirmation, if you haven’t already. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your gift of Fear of the Lord. There are some things you SHOULD be afraid of, and Astralogy is one of them. Fear of the Lord is a great gift, and you should be afraid to go near anything that seeks to separate you from God eternally.

I know it is very hard sometimes when you just don’t have all the answers and you find astralogy an appealing way to get them. But remember this: You may not know, but God does know. To put your complete faith in God is to let Him guide you, even though you yourself may not be sure where you are headed. Rest assured that He is the best, most trustworthy guide there is.

I know next to nothing about astralogy, but I hope this helps.
on the other hand…

let me say this. i put this carefully, because i don’t want to give the impression that you should continue your involvement with astrology. it is a misplaced trust, and can be anti-christian in many of its manifestations.


there does seem to be a connection between when we are born and certain aspects of our personalities. as you’ve said, you see the connection, and it helps you deal with people.

it is probable that the magi who visited Christ at His nativity were astrologers of sorts. they found ‘signs in the stars’ that told them where the Christ child would be born.

so. here’s my advice. you have been involved in astrology, and you should end that involvement, as it is dangerous. it sounds as though you have. however, God is the great redeemer, and He’s very good at working all things for our good, even our sins, even what the enemy meant for our damnation, for our evil.

so… allow Him to do that. if you see a connection between a person’s birthdate and their personality, use that knowledge for good. allow love and peace and patience and gentleness and so forth (the fruits of the spirit, found in the book of galatians if you want to read them all) to completely overwhelm you, and allow Him to make you like Him. don’t be afraid of what you know, or of who you were. allow Him to transform both of them into His image. in the meantime, if you see things or notice things, let Him use them for good.

don’t be afraid.
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