Old Jerusalem Study Bible

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I asked my pastor for recommendations for a good Catholic study Bible. Of the ones he described to me, this one (mentioned in title of thread) is the one that most appeals to me. He said there is a New Jerusalem Study Bible that is good, but this old one is, in his opinion, better.

I am having trouble locating it via an internet search. Does anyone have one? An ISBN # or an exact title or publisher or something would be helpful to me in narrowing down my search.


Thank you, Kristine. I am specifically looking for the (old) Jerusalem Study Bible. I’ll have to ask my pastor to be more specific for me.

Thanks again.
They have the 1960’s version reprinted on EWTN for sale. This is the one that Mother Angelica uses and they were able to get them to reprint it, so go to their catalog. I thnink they are around $30.

The reason your priest says the older one is better is because the new one has inclusive language in it.

Here is the newer one on line. It is ok, but not the same, the older one is great! kofc.duq.edu/scripture/index.html

However, for a really good online study bible, this one is a good Douay-Rheims Bible

This is a good resource page for online Bibles and such

I am pretty sure the reprinted Jerusalem Bible (either the one on EWTN or from Leaflet) is the one. It is considered a “study” Bible due to it’s extensive footnotes. Most of the study Bibles don’t have the word “study” in their title.

If your pastor knows of one with more extensive study material, I would love to know about it. Keep us posted.
Great links.

Does anyone know if the Haydock Commentary to the DRB is available on line?

I am pretty sure the reprinted Jerusalem Bible (either the one on EWTN or from Leaflet) is the one. It is considered a “study” Bible due to it’s extensive footnotes. Most of the study Bibles don’t have the word “study” in their title.

If your pastor knows of one with more extensive study material, I would love to know about it. Keep us posted.
I have the version that is listed on the Leaflet site and that is definitely not the Study version. That one is a Reader’s Version and it only has brief footnotes. I’ll quote the back of the jacket:

The Jerusalem Bible, Readers Edition is filled with several appealing features:
  • the complete canon of Holy Scripture, including the deuterocanoncial books
  • an English translation that is as close as possible to the literal meaning of the ancient texts
  • traditional, noninclusive language
  • brief introductions to each book that orient the reader to the historical setting
  • limited footnotes where necessary to clarify only the literal meaning of the text
  • a portable 5 1/2 x 8 1/4 trim size
I would love to find a Study version of the Old Jerasulem Bible myself, but I like the Reader’s Version because when I’m just trying to read the text I find the footnotes and commentary to be very distracting to the flow. It’s a terrific bible and just the right size so you can hold it in your hands while you sit on the couch or read in bed. I have an NAB study bible which is a bit unwieldy for casual reading. It’s more of a sit down at the desk type of book. I’m not crazy about the typeface used in the Jerasalem though. It isn’t very crisp. The font is not bad though, considering the size of the book. I’ve seen some fonts that are so teeny I’d need a pair of those magnifying eyeglasses to read them.

Oh, and don’t forget to hit your local used bookstores. I picked up both my Jerasalem and my NAB at a used bookstore for about a 1/3 of the cover price. 🙂
Lucky us in the Philippines. The Philippine Bible Society (primarily Protestant, ironically) still reprints the original Jerusalem Bible (study edition, no less).

Unfortunately, they have no online store that ships internationally. 😦

The Reader’s Edition available in the US is probably okay but you’ll miss the footnotes.
Here is the address to get the New Jerusalem Bible NT only, on tape

The NJB New Testament on tape retails for $29.95.
It is produced by me (Resurrection Tapes).

Colin LaVergne, owner

Resurrection Tapes
2719 E. 42nd Street
Minneapolis, MN 55406-3061

Local phone: (612) 721-7933
National Toll Free (888) 809-0267
Email: resurrection@usfamily.net
Web page: www.resurrectiontapes.com

Thanks for that. I will have to find the Study version a companion to my JB.


I couldn’t get the link for the DR to work. Before I make myself crazy, is it a study version (notes) or just the DR text?
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