Old to the Church but new to Catholicism. Advice

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I am here looking for advice on what to do as a converting catholic. I am a Christian but have recently discovered the wonder that is the Catholic Church and want wholeheartedly to be part of this Church. My question if where do I begin? I have read book after book on Catholicism and Catholic theology but I am at a loss on how to procede as there is only so much I can learn through books and the internet. I have been to Mass but find I don’t really know what to do as there are many things people do when entering the church that I just don’t understand and I don’t know the right things to say during the service and feel awkward. There is so much I don’t understand but want to desperately. I’m just not sure who to reach out to or go to for advice on things I don’t understand and cannot work out on my own. I’d really really love to here advice on what I am to do. Thank you so much and God bless. Ellie
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You should find a Catholic Parish near you and talk to the priest about becoming Catholic. Catholic parishes in USA have a learning program called RCIA, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Welcome to CAF, Ellie, we are happy you are here!

As Lysander suggested, contact the local parish by calling their office. (Listed in the bulletin or online at the parish website.) Make an appointment with a priest to tell him about yourself and ask what you need to do. He can explain how RCIA works in their parish.

Keep going to mass, and just watch what other people do, when they sit, or stand, and follow along with the missal if they have them.

I know you said you read books, but if you haven’t read Catholicism for Dummies, you should. Never mind the title, it’s an easy to understand book.

And of course, stick around CAF and read.use the search feature, there are tons of answered questions and discussions there. And you can always ask new questions too.

Again, welcome!
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