I mostly vote for Democrats because of environmental issues, which are also really big pro-life issues.
It’s a little irksome to me that anti-abortionists (I’m also against abortion and have been since early childhood, even before becoming a Catholic) have commandeered the name “pro-life,” but pretty much ignore climate change and many other serious problems that harm and kill people and threaten life on a massive scale.
Having said that, I also tend to be more toward the Democrat side because of its “bleeding heart.”
So what I’m thinking now is that I’d be more likely to vote for candidates who are for the “stick approach” of making abortion illegal (which alone mainly pushes women into illegal abortions), IF there were plenty of “carrot approach” programs in place:
- paid maternity leave, without losing one’s job
- higher minimum wage (most people earning minimum wages are women)
- free or very cheap professional childcare (not the babysitter from Hell)
- free health care for children (and for all)
- free or very cheap college education for all
Basically a system as they have in France, where my niece lives. She had a difficult pregnancy and medical complications with her 3rd child and even got an extra 3 months leave, plus all her medical expense from gov, plus free, professional childcare for other other children and for her new baby once she returned to work.
I’d be willing to pay more taxes for that.
Once the “carrot approach” were in place, I’d feel a lot more comfortable threatening women and abortionists with prison – the “stick approach.” I’d feel much more comfortable striving to bring the Democratic Party around to being more fully pro-life.
Right now I consider the Republican Party to be much more pro-death than the Democratic Party, despite the abortion issue. Simply making it illegal does not solve the problem, neither does haphazard help from charities. We need the gov to really help reduce abortions by making child-bearing more hardship-free.