My husband and I have been married 5 years. We have two children, 2 and 1, and one more on the way. From the beginning of our marriage, we have not subscribed to cable, satellite, etc., because I don’t watch that much, (I feel it’s too much of a time waster), and my husband worked a lot. We felt we couldn’t justify the $30/month expense for basically nothing. The tv is only set up for movies from the VCR. I would not even bother having a tv except my husband is a movie fanatic.
Now my 2-yr-old LOVES tv, but I limit it severely. When I lay my 1-yr-old down to nap, I allow him to watch about 30 minutes while I sneak a little doze or rest with her. This is it. Yet he still bugs me (I guess when he’s bored), “watch wee-wee??” I simply tell him no and he finds something else to do. I absolutely must preview everything he watches. Especially if my husband insists on starting a grown-up movie while he is still awake.
I don’t think it’s just tv. Everytime we pass McDonald’s, he wants a hamburger, even if he’s just eaten. We don’t eat at McDonald’s that much, he just sees it as something he likes and why not ask for it? If he wants a snack, he always asks for juice, applesauce, cookies, or anything else sweet. I simply say no, you may have cheese or carrots, and he chooses from those. Any fits result in no snack.
Don’t worry about the craving tv. I do not allow it on unless I feel it’s necessary to keep him a little quiet while I get sister to sleep. If he fusses or throws a fit for it, I simply say no, hand a few books and tell him to look at those while I lay sissy down. Usually there’s no problem.
Keep up the good limits!