On the Fence

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Ive been on the fence for a long time. I wont fully commit to become either Protestant or Catholic. Has anyone else struggled with this? Id like to hear from catholics & protestants.

Kate(name removed by moderator):

Pray and discern. God will let you know.
Study and contemplate so all the issues are weighed into your decision.

As a Catholic of course I can point you our way, but as Catholics, we are comfortable with the truth and that it will shine forth as you invest in delving deeper.

God bless your search and may you have the courage to jump off the fence when the time comes.

in XT.
I had been on the fence about 3 years ago but moreso in between Catholic, protestant, and atheism. Obviously since I am in the Catholic forum you know what my choice is. In any case, It’s prayer that will help you discern and be open to what God has to say. No one can convince you if you don’t want to be convinced; but be rest assured that God can…he can soften up the most rock-hard hearts in the entire world.

The sacraments are powerful. Find out more about the most important sacrament of the Eucharist. That’s how I transformed. I recommend visiting the blessed sacrament at your church for adoration once a week or more. Even just spending a few minutes will transform your life if you are open. You will find your answers if you keep looking. Hope this helps.
If you haven’t already…try tuning into Catholic radio…It is available online if you don’t have a outlet in your community. is just one such place to listen. relevantradio.com/docs/index.asp perhaps if you learn more about our faith, you will consider it and of course with all things, pray, pray and pray some more.
kate(name removed by moderator):
Ive been on the fence for a long time. I wont fully commit to become either Protestant or Catholic. Has anyone else struggled with this? Id like to hear from catholics & protestants.

Struggle? Constantly! Never ceasing, relentless, painful, faith-crushing STRUGGLE.

However not so much as to whether Protestants or Catholics posses the truth. Between the two, to me, Catholicism simply makes more sense and puts the pieces together with more conviction.

My struggle is more one of; God, or am I deceiving myself. If He is there why does He not show Himself to me? Why the mystery? Why leave me questioning? What is His purpose in not relieveing my doubt? Why are all the questions we cannot answer shoved aside by our saying “it’s a mystery”? Why 1 billion Muslims, 1 billion Protestants and 1 billion Catholics, all with brilliant scholars who could convince thier flock? Why are we correct and all the others wrong? Why would He allow 2 billion people to have it all worng (assuming of course one of us have it right)? Why the confusion? Why does Mary cry (assuming what is occuring in Sacramento is genuine) and leave us guessing? Why was John 6 written in a manner that can be intellectually interpreted more then one way, and is? Why do I take this so seriously when I was at a funeral mass today and most of the Catholics there ,who haven’t gone to Mass in months received the Eucharist? Why will I never know if God really exists until I die? And, of course, if He does not I will never know. Why do I care? Do I try to believe for fear of Hell? Is that a copout? Am I a coward? How do I know if I really love God? How can anyone honestly claim to love what they need faith to believe? Am I only a hypocrate who claims to believe or do I believe? What is belief? How is it measured?

I live so much on the fence the pickets are penetrating my skin.

Sorry I got carried away, bad day. Yet I fear I will carry this agony on till I die. Then what?
Listen to the Journey Home
I love hearing conversion stories.
go to www.ewtn.com
then click on audio library and type in “the journey home”
that should help you because many of those converts struggled just like you.
having been involved in RCIA for over 12 years I can attest that you are not alone. It takes as long as it takes. The longest holdout I know of finally was confirmed last Easter, 20 years after she married a Catholic and started considering converting from her Baptist faith.

Her issue when I met her was Mary, so she decided to join our rosary cenacle and I warned her Mary would take her the rest of the way, and said: don’t start praying the rosary unless you really want to be a Catholic. When she was okay with Mary, she still had doubts about the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. My husband suggested, just ask Jesus the next time you are at Mass (she attended every week with her children) to tell you if he is really present. Apparently he did, because she came to me a few weeks later and asked what she had to do to enter the Church.
Yes, I have struggled with being Protestant or Catholic. That’s why I became Episcopalian. On the other hand, Episcopalianism just doesn’t really cut it as either Protestant or Catholic. So, I don’t know where the divide lies.
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