My question is this: is it immoral, or perhaps even sinful, to own and (even more importantly) to display (such as on a bookshelf or in some other common area) certain books such as those containing and espousing postmodern themes and theories; written by communists and socialists; psychoanalysts whose diagram of humanity is merely that of a base creature without dignity; novelists such as D.H. Lawrence, Brett Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, and Franz Kafka, etc.?
I have enough sense to know the answer is “yes” in a general way, but “no” in that, if you have a mere intellectual interest in reading and consuming a wide variety of theories and viewpoints then you are not necessarily sinning. But, for instance, if I owned an overtly satanic book and had it sitting on a bookshelf in my living room, this would be immoral by itself whether I adhered to the messages and beliefs found within its pages or not. My intention in displaying these books isn’t to endorse non or anti-catholic messages/philosophies/people, but merely to show I have read a wide variety of authors. And because this is my intention in owning and displaying these books, am I merely being slightly prideful? Or am I really treading on immoral grounds?
I also understand that different members of the clergy may adhere to different political beliefs. What I seek is a magisterial declaration or papal bull on the matter, not speculation or unfair judgement of my person.
Authors whose works I own –
Friedrich Nietzsche
Karl Marx
Jean Baudrillard
D.H. Lawrence
Jean-Francois Lyotard
Louis Althusser
Michel Foucault
Franz Kafka
Brett East Ellis
Slavoj Zizek
Some specific works I own –
The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn
I have enough sense to know the answer is “yes” in a general way, but “no” in that, if you have a mere intellectual interest in reading and consuming a wide variety of theories and viewpoints then you are not necessarily sinning. But, for instance, if I owned an overtly satanic book and had it sitting on a bookshelf in my living room, this would be immoral by itself whether I adhered to the messages and beliefs found within its pages or not. My intention in displaying these books isn’t to endorse non or anti-catholic messages/philosophies/people, but merely to show I have read a wide variety of authors. And because this is my intention in owning and displaying these books, am I merely being slightly prideful? Or am I really treading on immoral grounds?
I also understand that different members of the clergy may adhere to different political beliefs. What I seek is a magisterial declaration or papal bull on the matter, not speculation or unfair judgement of my person.
Authors whose works I own –
Friedrich Nietzsche
Karl Marx
Jean Baudrillard
D.H. Lawrence
Jean-Francois Lyotard
Louis Althusser
Michel Foucault
Franz Kafka
Brett East Ellis
Slavoj Zizek
Some specific works I own –
The Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn