On the Tiber's Shore III

  • Thread starter Thread starter Donald_S
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Hello all. I just wanted to resurrect this topic to see if anyone from either of the previous Tiber’s Shore topics completed RCIA. My wife, oldest daughter, and I received confirmation and took our first Eucharist this past Sunday. I actually just joined the Knights of Columbus online and am in the process of joining a local council. Our RCIA class was about 40 minutes away because of scheduling so we’re also in the process of transferring parishes to where we live.

Any updates are welcome, and I hope you all are doing well. God bless
No, not yet. It seems I could be free to come home in about one year- we’ll see…
I do hope the Lord smooths the path for you. My youngest two children will enter CCD next year. But my next to oldest daughter (13 years old) is adamantly opposed to becoming Catholic and doesn’t understand why we don’t go to our previous church anymore. It was fun and our new one isn’t. We’re praying for her and hopefully she’ll open her heart eventually.
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