Aid to the Church in Need (France) is asking people who are able to do so to attend Mass on Thursday, August 22nd in solidarity with those who cannot. Whether it be due to a shortage of priests where they live, geographic isolation of their communities, incarceration, persecution, risk to personal safety or because the faith is forbidden by law, 200 million Catholics worldwide are unable to freely practice their religion. Among them are many Catholics who cannot attend Mass because there is no Mass for them to go to or because doing so is dangerous.
As far as I can tell, ACN in France is the only branch of ACN that is asking this. More info can be found at the following link, which is exclusively in French.
For those who wish to participate and can understand French, it is possible to “officially” sign up to participate by using the form at the above link. You can even order a button to wear on the day and afterwards to show your support of suffering Catholics all over the globe. Neither registration nor the button is necessary, however, so I would simply encourage anyone who is able to go to Mass on Thursday, August 22nd to do so and pray for our brothers and sisters worldwide who, Sunday after Sunday, are not able to freely and safely worship the Lord at Mass.
God bless!
As far as I can tell, ACN in France is the only branch of ACN that is asking this. More info can be found at the following link, which is exclusively in French.

22 août : ils sont allés à la messe en leur nom - Aide à l'Église en Détresse
Sur 5 continents, près de 800 personnes sont allées à la messe le 22 août pour ceux qui ne le peuvent pas. Merci ! Ils ne peuvent pas aller à la messe Dans le monde, 200 millions de chrétiens ne peuvent vivre leur foi librement. Certains vivent dans des régions sans prêtres, très isolées...

For those who wish to participate and can understand French, it is possible to “officially” sign up to participate by using the form at the above link. You can even order a button to wear on the day and afterwards to show your support of suffering Catholics all over the globe. Neither registration nor the button is necessary, however, so I would simply encourage anyone who is able to go to Mass on Thursday, August 22nd to do so and pray for our brothers and sisters worldwide who, Sunday after Sunday, are not able to freely and safely worship the Lord at Mass.
God bless!

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