What was Onan’s sin and why was he put to death for it? How bibical passage support the Church’s teaching on contraception?
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God love you,
Onan’s sin was that every time he had intercourse with his deceased brothers wife, he would spill his seed (ejaculate) on the floor, to prevent impregnating his sister-in-law.What was Onan’s sin and why was he put to death for it? How bibical passage support the Church’s teaching on contraception?
God love you,
Periodic abstaining from sex is not sinful. Having sex and deliberately attempting to thwart the natural consequences is. Contraception is man’s awful attempts to seize control and pull apart what man has pulled together.Another Protestant refutation: Condoms and abstience prevent life so there’s no difference btw ABC and NFP…what do you make of this?
Thank you for the helpful information!
Simple, God CAN indeed override man’s sinful attempts to thwart His will, but attempting to thwart His will is still sinful. It is rebelliona and lack of trust in God.Protestant refutation: If God really wanted to have a child, then He’d make sure we’d have one regardless of contraceptives.
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You should not test GodProtestant refutation: If God really wanted to have a child, then He’d make sure we’d have one regardless of contraceptives.
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Besides all the great responses you’ve gotten so far, you might also point out to your friends that all Protestant churches condemned artificial contraception as intrinsically evil before 1930. Since truth is never the opposite of what it once was, ask them when their denomination was right and when it was teaching heresy.Btw, I’m Catholic but struggling with the teaching due to the talks I’ve had with Protestants on this issue. Onan couldn’t have been breaking Jewish law because there’s no Jewish law at this time, so they contend that Onan was put to death because: he was not married to Tamar or he opposed God’s plan of Tamar.
What do you think? Are there any other Bible verses that support the Church’s teaching against contraceptives?
Soooo…we should purposely put impediments in front of God because he’s going to do what he wants to do anyway?? :whacky:Protestant refutation: If God really wanted to have a child, then He’d make sure we’d have one regardless of contraceptives.
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What part of Song of Solomon??? Thanks and God Bless.Isn’t there a Bible verse that says we shouldn’t test God? I’m talking with “non-denominational” Christians who won’t accept anything unless it’s from the Bible and their intrepretation of it, so I cannot ask them when their denomination began teaching that contraception is ok.
One uses Genesis 3:15 to demonstrate his point that Onan was killed for defying God’s plan: “Abraham was called by God out of Ur. The line of promise that God TOLD Satan would come through Eve was to come through Abraham. Then Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Perez, etc… Maintaining that line of promise was incredibly important. Hence the reason Sarah gave Hagaar to Abraham: to have an heir. That was not God’s plan however. Sarah was to have a son, Isaac. Jacob would have known the story, as Abraham was his grandfather and quite possibly was still alive when Jacob and Esau were born. Onan in turn would have known the story too. So it is certainly reasonable to see a calculating thought process in Onan’s decision. He was hedging his bets. Er was dead, so HE was next in line. Unless, of course, Tamar had a baby. Then that baby would be first in line and not Onan. Onan deliberately chose to defy God’s authority, and God put him to death for it.”
(Isn’t Gen. 3:15 used to show Mary’s role in God’s salvation plan for humanity?)
Furthermore, they bring up the Song of Solomon to refute contraception. HELP!
Your sister in Christ,