One True Church

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Liked the web site. Seems a little pre-vatican, is it a “Traditionalist” web site or just conservative and in communion with Rome?

God Bless
Liked the web site. Seems a little pre-vatican, is it a “Traditionalist” web site or just conservative and in communion with Rome?

God Bless
I checked the home page. They had a link on the New Mass. They basically attacked and said Catholics should only attend the Latin Mass. So, I guess you could say they are traditionalist.
I checked the home page. They had a link on the New Mass. They basically attacked and said Catholics should only attend the Latin Mass. So, I guess you could say they are traditionalist.
Either way, the message from Fr Arnold Damen stands on its own, wouldn’t you say? Masterfully stated. I used a similar approach, but only a pale imitation, when I broke the news to my brothers that I had converted to the Catholic Church. (We were raised Baptist)
Posted this a few times, thought it would be better on it’s own thread. Oh ! and please don’t shoot the messenger :nope:
It is a an integrist[schismatic radical traditionalist] site. This quote alone from their site suffices to reveal who they are:

“**This revised article explains why we should attend only the Latin Mass and it shows the disastrous and destructive results of the Novus Ordo Missae (The New Mass).” **

Anyone who says that we must “only” attend a Latin Mass is definitely a schismatic.

Gerry 🙂
Checked a little closer and found out they are a schismatic group. See the quote from their site

*“Our Lady of the Rosary Library attempts to provide literature for everyone, whether they be:
Non-Catholics searching for the Truth with a good heart and an open mind.
Traditional Catholics wishing to perfect themselves.
*Novus-Ordo Catholics wanting to come back to tradition. * Lukewarm Catholics needing something to rouse their fervor.” *

I am a bit of a conservative but I won’t ever associate myself with any group at odds with the Church and or our Holy Father. Based on that I will not use any of their material because they don’t provide an adequate witness for the Church.

God Bless
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