Oneness Pentecostals

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What are some Bible verses for an Oneness Pentecostal on…
-how Sola Scriptura is not biblical.
-the Trinity in the Bible
-baptizing in just the name of Jesus is not the correct formula
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What are some Bible verses for an Oneness Pentecostal on…
-how Sola Scriptura is not biblical.
-the Trinity in the Bible
-baptizing in just the name of Jesus is not the correct formula
The root issue is that they do not believe in the Holy Trinity (three persons) so do not have valid Christian baptism. The early councils of the Catholic Church defined the Holy Trinity, which was contested by many. So the decisions of the early councils are important: Nicaea (325), Constantinople I (381), Ephesus (431), Constantinople II (553).
Matthew 28:19 for the Trinity, 2 Thessalonians 2:15 for Sola Scriptura.
What are some Bible verses for an Oneness Pentecostal on…
-how Sola Scriptura is not biblical.
-the Trinity in the Bible
-baptizing in just the name of Jesus is not the correct formula
I would suggest that you go to the Catholic Answers website ( Search for “sola scriptura”, “Trinity”, and “baptism “. There should be articles that explain the Catholic theology and why the Oneness Pentecostal position is not correct.

What are some Bible verses for an Oneness Pentecostal on…
-how Sola Scriptura is not biblical.
-the Trinity in the Bible
-baptizing in just the name of Jesus is not the correct formula
The root issue is that they do not believe in the Holy Trinity (three persons) so do not have valid Christian baptism. The early councils of the Catholic Church defined the Holy Trinity, which was contested by many. So the decisions of the early councils are important: Nicaea (325), Constantinople I (381), Ephesus (431), Constantinople II (553).
But do they accept the authority of early Church councils? The councils are only relevant to them if you can find other things that they (and we) do believe, that are rooted in the early Church councils, or the Magisterium in some way.
What are some Bible verses for an Oneness Pentecostal on…
-how Sola Scriptura is not biblical.
-the Trinity in the Bible
-baptizing in just the name of Jesus is not the correct formula
The root issue is that they do not believe in the Holy Trinity (three persons) so do not have valid Christian baptism. The early councils of the Catholic Church defined the Holy Trinity, which was contested by many. So the decisions of the early councils are important: Nicaea (325), Constantinople I (381), Ephesus (431), Constantinople II (553).
But do they accept the authority of early Church councils? The councils are only relevant to them if you can find other things that they (and we) do believe, that are rooted in the early Church councils, or the Magisterium in some way.
No, there is the belief that the councils were wrong in their conclusions. This is denying the authority of the Church in matters of faith and morals. Different sources of authority are the reason that we have so many religions.
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What are some Bible verses for an Oneness Pentecostal
John 17 is a good chapter that helps to illustrate the Trinity, however, merely citing bible verses may not be enough to prove your argument.

My best friend is a devout Oneness Pentecostal and we just had a three hour debate over the phone about the Trinity and the oneness of God.

The problem is that much of what Oneness Pentecostals believe has deep roots in anti-Catholic teachings. So they aren’t merely approaching the issue as being Pro oneness, but more like Anti Trinitarian.

They are very similar to Jehovahs Witnesses in how they surround themselves with their teachings and are quick to dismiss other arguments. They are highly critical of the creeds and the councils and they believe that the Catholic Church is at the heart of the Trinity error.
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