Both. I like having the paper bulletin, because I have enough junk to keep track of online, it’s easy to miss important stuff. I don’t follow links in my email, and I don’t go out of my way to visit Facebook or websites or anything, unless I’m looking for specific information. But having it right there in black-and-white in my hand, and be able to read it and stick it on the fridge, or cut important parts out— that’s good.
But I also visit a lot of parishes, like when I travel, or when the Holy Day Mass schedule for my home parish doesn’t work for me. Then, I like to be able to pop over to a neighboring parish’s website and take a peek at their most recent bulletin online. Because I’ve had too many times where I’ve used websites like MassTimes… and it says, “St. So-and-So has a 7:30 p.m. Mass” and I show up at 7:20… just in time for the communion hymn. Or it says that “St. So-and-So has a 12:10 pm Mass time on weekdays”, except, oops, it’s been canceled and replaced with a 6 p.m. Mass because today’s All Saints’ Day, and the usual Masses get canceled and replaced, not extra services added in.