Only Two More Popes! :-O

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Hehe…at least that’s what St. Malachy prophesied. According to several websites I’ve come across, St. Malachy, a saint from the Middle Ages, went into a trance while in Rome and came out with a number of symbols for each pope to the end.

Here’s the page anyhow:

According to St. Malachy, John Paul II is second to last on the list :dancing:

Do you think St. Malachy was on to something? Do you think that we have less than 50 years or so before the end?

When I was in Poland I heard that there was a prediction that there would be a Polish Pope, then a Black Pope, then the end of the world.
Black Pope? You mean like skin color black? Or do you mean the Black Pope (The Superior General of the Society of Jesus)? I guess we’ll soon find out 👍
Are you familiar with the prophecy of Garabandal, Spain?
Hey! I actually just read about the prophecies of Garabandal. Wow, so I guess John Paul II is the last pope of the time. Really interesting. I wonder what this all can mean. It would seem odd if Jesus were to come right after John Paul II, since Jesus will only come when we least expect it.
I think it would make sense for a Black pope…Africa is growing by leaps and bounds and I think, despite my Italian ancestry, that we definitely need a more international face in the chair of Peter. I just hope the Lord above agrees with me

Despite this, you really need to be careful of private revalation and the future. These are private and we are not even sure if what they record is accurate. Canonizations do not put the stamp of authenticity of the visions, it just says that the person who may or may not have had them are now in heaven…period.

Here is a case in point as to why you need to be careful. One locutionist whose name I will not mention, appears to be a faithful Catholic. His books about his visions are sold in Catholic bookstores and talk about an impending end of the age and tribulation to come. This tribulation will be heralded by the false election of a pope (who will precursor the antichrist) and in his books, warns (actually, Jesus warns) people not to follow this next pope (disobedience) :eek: He also says that after the period of tribulation, Christ will come again…and will reign for a 1000 years.(millenialism) A person who does not know their faith well enough, can be easily fooled.
Here is a case in point as to why you need to be careful. One locutionist whose name I will not mention, appears to be a faithful Catholic. His books about his visions are sold in Catholic bookstores and talk about an impending end of the age and tribulation to come. This tribulation will be heralded by the false election of a pope (who will precursor the antichrist) and in his books, warns (actually, Jesus warns) people not to follow this next pope (disobedience) :eek: He also says that after the period of tribulation, Christ will come again…and will reign for a 1000 years.(millenialism) A person who does not know their faith well enough, can be easily fooled.
Yeah, I know to be careful. I don’t know which locutionist you’re talking about, but it sounds like a Jesuit. But let’s face it: the world isn’t in good shape right now. The sacraments are being abandoned (especially confession) like wildfire. People no longer see the Eucharist as the Body and Blood of Christ, but just go up there and eat it as though it were a meal. Pop culture (the so-called “Culture of Death”) is also having a heavy toll on the world. Europe is becoming increasingly non-Christian. The number of priests worldwide is decreasing. Do you honestly see Christianity (and especially Catholicism) as making a huge jump back in the world? Do you expect a Great Awakening in the world anytime soon?

I suppose problems arose in the Church’s history which seemed would stifle the Church. Arianism led astray many bishops, as did other heresies like Albigensianism. The Reformation seemed like the end of the world to many Catholics, too, I would imagine. So maybe these prophesies are just over-reactions to the problems of today. But I’m not going to say the prophesies are wrong until what is prophesied doesn’t happen :yup:
People have thought since the time of Christ’s Ascension that the end of the world was coming soon, even in their own lifetime. The issues of today often seem more serious than those of yesterday – and they may very well be, but that could be attributed to the fact that the problems of today are more immediate. They seem larger due to our intimate involvement with them, whereas it is difficult for us to appreciate the scope of the problems of yesterday.
Hey! I actually just read about the prophecies of Garabandal. Wow, so I guess John Paul II is the last pope of the time. Really interesting. I wonder what this all can mean. It would seem odd if Jesus were to come right after John Paul II, since Jesus will only come when we least expect it.
First of all,
I find it hard to imagine that there will be two more Popes and the end of the world. How do you know that there will be two more Popes, only God knows these things. Malachi’s prophecies on the Popes are not accepted by the church. The prophecy of Garabandal holds no ground whatsoever. That prophecy of Garabandal is nothing but a bunch of nonsense.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
First of all,
I find it hard to imagine that there will be two more Popes and the end of the world. How do you know that there will be two more Popes, only God knows these things. Malachi’s prophecies on the Popes are not accepted by the church. The prophecy of Garabandal holds no ground whatsoever. That prophecy of Garabandal is nothing but a bunch of nonsense.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
That sums it up quite well. Why is it that some have to know what is coming tomorrow inorder to plan for today? They will do nothing but set themselves up for heresy and/or schism.

Right on St, Pio
Madaglan said:
“According to St. Malachy, John Paul II is second to last on the list.”
White Dove:
When I was in Poland I heard that there was a prediction that there would be a Polish Pope, then a Black Pope, then the end of the world.
I don’t normally take these things seriously. But if Cardinal Arinze turns out to be the next Pope, maybe I will start to worry.
Cardinal Arinze? I looked at a list of potential future popes, but his name doesn’t pop out for me. Is there something wrong with him? I think it would be great to have a black pope 🙂 He seems really conservative on church issues, too, which is what we need.
Oh, btw, someone told me that the next pope will be the Anti-Christ :eek:

Can you believe that? :bigyikes:
peace be with you!

it is important not to give much weight to those list of possible future popes. before JPII was elected, he was not on the list of “likely” candidates. so his election was a surprise to many. this is because man does not choose, the Holy Spirit chooses the one whom He has prepared for it.
to Madaglan: That is from the popularity of Tim Lahaye’s book series Left Behind, in my opinion.
to Madaglan: That is from the popularity of Tim Lahaye’s book series Left Behind, in my opinion.
Yeah, the idea of a pope as the Anti-Christ is mostly associated with premillenialism–at least that’s what I understand. I haven’t read the series, but my sister is a voracious reader of them. The person who told me this, however, is Catholic, although a bit crazy :rotfl:
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