Ontario Library Promotes Homosexuality, Installs Syringe Disposal Units

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And the slippery slope Canada is on continues:
Ontario Library Promotes Homosexuality, Installs Syringe Disposal Units
By Gudrun Schultz

LONDON, Ontario, January 6, 2006 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The London Public Library responded to drug use in its Central branch by installing needle disposal units in convenient locations.

The library also offers information promoting homosexuality, both in literature and on their website.

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So if you can’t beat 'em, join 'em?
This is possibly the most foul thing i’ve ever seen. You can’t have a nativity scene, but feel free to shoot up. Or do they have the creche conflict in London? At any rate, any time Jesus wants to come back, i’m game. But i know it’s gonna get worse.
London is lagging well behind Vancouver on the slide down that slippery slope if they don’t have tax payer funded safe injection sites to go with the needle exchange programs.
I don’t see how having clean places to dispose of needles is a bad thing. Its not promoting drug use, but its better that people dispose of them cleanly than leaving them on the street where your children could step on them or play with them.
I have to agree. All they’re doing is putting a device in to encourage the drug users to at least put they’re needles in a safe place. Drug users are gonna use anyway. Maybe we can prevent an innocent person from getting accidentally stuck by a dirty needle. It’s better than nothing. Without these dispensers, they will simply throw the needles in the trash or on the ground.

If you want to stop people from using drugs, that’s a whole different matter. But putting dispensers in does not promote or condemn drug use, it promotes putting needles in a place where they hopefully can’t hurt someone else. This isn’t the same thing as handing out needles or drugs.

If you want to stop drug use, you have to prevent the cultivating of drugs. We all know the world is not ready to do what it really takes to stop drugs.
i would have to agree that public places do need more biohazard containers.
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