Oops, started something

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I posted this on another discussion board… it started with a woman’s question to another member as to why she has a coat hanger crossed out in her signature line (I always wondered too… never dawned on me) But ya’ll can figure it out from there… my comments here start about my comment in the thread of “if the real discussion was about reproductive rights, why is prostitution illegal.” and here’s the rest of the story…One person wrote back and told me my quote about mother teresa (what a shame it is for a woman to kill her own child to live as she pleases) was full of (a deletable word) then posted later and said it was shortsighted.

I always put that quote out there (re: prostitution) because of the concept behind “womens’ choice” when it comes to abortion and the fear the pro-choicers have regarding the regulation of abortion. Prostitution is clearly a point about a woman dealing with her “reproductive rights” by selling herself. And it’s just her body she’s selling and abusing. But when it comes to abortion, the act itself is killing a child. Whether the child was wanted or not, it’s killing an unwanted child.

MommytoTommy… Mother Teresa is highly respected and has many insightful, enlightening comments stemming from her prayerful life and serving the poorest of the poor. The ultimate, painful, bottom line choice in having an abortion is highlighted by the comment I chose to share. As dirty, as humiliating and as painful it may be to face the reality of it… it’s true. You might not agree with it, and that’s fine. But the reality is still that a woman has to choose to kill her child to live as she sees she has to (regardless if she’s in an abusive relationship, single, not wanting a Down Syndrom baby, whatever excuse is used to have an abortion).

MOST women that have had an abortion suffer post traumatic stress disorder from the act itself. Check out Dr. Therese Burke’s book Forbidden Grief and you’ll see the full impact an abortion has on a woman and why it’s not all cracked up the pro-choicers want to make it out to be.

I got this stupid response back:
**“MOST women that have had an abortion suffer post traumatic stress disorder from the act itself.”

Again, just plain untrue.

And who the heck ever said prosititution had anything to do with reproductive rights???
You know, I could go on and on, but I won’t. I just had to step in to and point out that some things that you put out there as facts are just absolutely positively untrue.

NAME, a proudly pro-choice, pro-family feminist.

I did respond but had to fight with myself to keep it charitable.
been there, done that…LOL. Now I just leave it alone. I belong to a private board, we’ve been together for 3yrs…but the only thing is the age of our babies. So we’re a “mixed” group (one other practicing catholic, many many moveon.org types). When Terry Schaivo came up, one girl actually said “If it were me, I’d want my DH to move on and be happy” – LOL – I replied back “If my DH moved on and got “happy” while I was still alive, brain function or not, that would be enough to wake me up just so I could come back and kick his *****!” – some people really really are BLIND to the truth, and it saddens me…you got to her tho…she’s mad, b/c you said something that she can’t refute and she knows it…now pray for her
leaner said:

you got to her tho…she’s mad, b/c you said something that she can’t refute and she knows it…now pray for her

Well said and God bless!
It has snowballed… wow… I have just a very few supporters on the site, but those supporters agree what the info I’ve given. So many posters keep repeating their own junk without reading what I’ve written that I’m actually laughing at the futility in their attempts to try to make me see their side. I’ve had to say alot of prayers though… because some of it has gotten to me. God bless those that are in the snake pits fighting abortion… I’d love to join them as I love me a good fight, but I have alot to learn to control my emotions. I’m Irish…🙂
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