Oozing venom and jihad

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I pray that this is the exception rather than the rule. But, when my son returned from Iraq, ( his first of 2 volunteer tours), he paints a much different picture. He has seen what the press has NOT shown us. :eek: The evils are the norm he tells us.

he watched a small child get a severe beating from his dad for accepting a bottle of FRESH water from an American. Hmmm, wonder what that taught this child :confused:
I’m sorry to say it is pretty much the rule not the exception across the Middle East, the site referenced in the story MEMRI (www.memri.org) gives a pretty good overview of Arab media. You can also check out Jihad Watch (jihadwatch.org)
While our media and government seems terrified of *offending *the people that want us dead the Middle East governments and state run media spew hate and propoganda daily.
If you think what you see in the Arab media is bad, try looking at some of the textbooks used in *state run *schools.
The reason I keep emphasizing the state run is to make clear, this things you see are not a product of a fringe, free press - no such thing exists in any country in the Middle East (except Israel and now Iraq). If it appears in an Arab media outlet - it has been throughly vetted and approved by government censors.
Islam is the devils religion and Satan is their Leader

Those people are misguided and need prayers
Yes, the Mohammedans have all been deceived by the Dark One and are in need of prayers for their redemption. There is a very dangerous application of “relativism” taking place in world culture at this time which seeks to cast the Muslim religion in a falsely peaceful light, but this is not accurate. They despise all Christendom and reject the Holy Redeemer. They would be gleeful if we were wiped from the face of the Earth.
A recent article on the centrality of Jihad in Islam

The Centrality of Jihad in Islam
By Lawrence Auster
Without holy war can Islam be Islam? More>
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