I read the clarification as I am a canon lawyer I know exactly what was said and what was not said. In fact, I read the copies of the actual letters exchanged between Burke and the Congregation. I know the difference between internal and external foras. I also happen to know Cardinal Burke and have talked with him on many occasions about my vocation of consecrated virginity. What you are saying is only partially correct. Cardinal Burke was seeking clarification on ONLY ONE aspect of chastity, namely, whether consensual intercourse that is not known to anyone but the two parties a “public violation of chastity”. A public violation of chastity is not LIMITED to that scenario. Sins against chastity include impurity/immodesty; hence a topless waitress would be immodest and publicly sin against chastity. These things are normally taught in moral theology classes and should be taught to people who are taking a vow of chastity in religious life or the promise of celibacy such as priests.