Operation Rescue

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Tonight I recieved an e-mail emotional/hysterical plea from Operaiton Rescue…and it makes me embarassed to be Pro Life. This letter undermines the Pro-Life platform because it is, as I alluded, completely based upon hysteria and emotion, not facts. It is a plea to make a phone call, but it doesn’t stop at that…they make all sorts of outlandish claims without supporting them.

Wheras the information they are providing may be true, the sources are not cited and as such they are immediately discredited…even by brain-dead people like myself.

So I sent this reply. I could nto quote them because my e–mail does not have a “reply-history” option, nor would it allow me to copy/paste in parts. So I had to reply by paraphrasing. I will post the e-mail in another post if I can get this to work.

I sure won’t give money to a Pro-Life organization that hurts our position like they do.

Dear Operation Rescue,

I also am very much Pro-life, and so it concerns me to see letters such as yours.

While I am on your side, I think that the letter you sent out, to the critical reader, ends up hurting our cause instead of helping it.

Instead of reading as an informative, supported document regarding this situation, it speaks of hysteria and quickly loses credibility.

I have to say that whoever wrote this particular press release must have been educated by the likes of PETA.

For example…you cite public information that only Operation Rescue was able to obtain…how does this happen? If it’s public info, any of us can obtain it. As I am an investigator by trade I am able to see the contradiction here and it discredites you. If it’s public info, then you need to cite your source so we can all read it for ourselves.

You also go on to describe how “Dr.” Tiller baptizes the dead babies…well, first of all, dead babies cannot be baptized, but that’s kind of a moot point, anyway. The real issue is how you came about this information…an employee? His own bragging? What?

I have no problem convicting an abortionist, but I sure want to be using documented and true facts in place of the hysteria which so undermines what we are trying to do. If we are going to take this guy down, then we need to do so with hard-core evidence.

Additionally, your described another doctor who allegedly ATE the fetuses he aborted…where did you get this nugget of information? Cannibal weekly? Who told you this? Is it documented or just another piece of “National Enquirer” type journalism?

If you are speaking for Christ, then you need to be representative of him in integrity in reporting. What you have sent to me and to countelss others is a travesty and an embarassment to the Pro-Life Movement.

I certainly will NOT pass on this message as it is completely unsupported within the contexts you created in the narrative. The links you provided at the end are not enough.

If you are going to make such claims as those I cited, you need to support them or they will not be taken seriously by those who most need to hear this message.

Please reconsider re-writing and republishing this letter with FACTS in place of ALLEGED accusations and please maintain the integrity of the Pro-Life movement rather than forwarding this type of trash to people who really need information they can use to fight this battle.

Thank you
Excellent, JC. I recieved this e mail too and was a little put off by it as well. I just deleted it though - Good for you for taking the time to write that. Knowing a lot of pro-choice people, I can tell when they will pay attention and when they will roll their eyes and laugh at the “fanatics”. This e-mail would have been the latter, I’m sure…it just perpetuates the stereotype of out-there dumb pro-lifers, unfortunately.

Anyway, thanks again.
Phoenix, You asked for the source of Operation Rescue’s report on cannibalism. Detective William Howard of the Kansas City Police, March 15, 2005, wrote to Chairman Morrison of the House Committee and Human Services. The document is available online in an Adobe format. The license of Dr. Krishna Rajanna was permanently revoked last June. The facts speak for themselves. (As for the email letter I received one too but there was nothing in it so I can’t address your other concerns about O.R.)
The aborted fetuses were placed inside Styrofoam cups and put in the refrigerator freezer next to TV dinners. The female witness went on to describe of how she and other girls actually witnessed Rajanna microwave one of the aborted fetuses and stir it into his lunch. I have heard that some Middle Easterners eat the placenta from birth and that they believe that this adds longevity to life. I thought

“Maybe” this could be what she was referring to. This witness claimed other employees who had seen him do the very same thing.
Operation Rescue was there for Teri and they saw through the Miers nomination (while 60% of the folks who took part in the poll here at the forum thought Miers was peachy keen).

I sent them a check.
Operation Rescue is NOT the enemy, but honestly, they need to do better with PR. I’m glad they were there for Teri…and that they exist. But emotion and hysteria are NOT good marketing tools.

If they want to “arm” us, then they can cite their letters better and lose the hysterical tone which is so stereotypical.

When I was in high school I used info such as this and got really fired up…and lost the debate because I had nothing but unsupported “facts” and a lot of emotion…oh, and some gory photos.

It didn’t work with high school students then, and it doesn’t work with the intelligentia now.

Pro Life can do so much better than this.

A woman actually responded to my e-mail with a very snide response. Yes, they had links in their article, but that’s not the point. The fact is that they “hid” their hard-won evidence in links when the citations need to be right there on the page.

A pro-choicer is not going to click on the links…they are just going to look at all the hysteria and laugh. That is my problem.

If they did the work then they can certainly show it with better writing.

If I decide to respond to this woman I’ll post it…I may just let it go at this point. Apparently Operation Rescue is not interested in presenting FACTS in such as way that could sway critical readers…they are more interested in the old tactic of hysteria.

They can do so much better than that.
Although I am 100% prolife I have often been put off by some of Operation Rescue’s methods. Randall Terry was there supporting Terri Shiavo and her family and I was glad for that.

That being said some of the speeches he’s made on abortion and prolife issues in general just come off as very extremist to me. Alot of claims but not a presentation of evidence to those claims. It’s easy for the general public to dismiss someone whom they see as an extremist and honestly I think it hurts the pro-life cause at times. I prefer Right to Life myself.
Here is the response from Operation Rescue. My reply follows:

Didn’t you click any of the links in the article?
Almost all of the documentation you asked for is
linked to throughout the article. Public records
were obtained through KORA requests and long hours of
scouring the county record computer. No one invested
the long hours of research in this case except us. As
an “investigator” I am surprised you even asked about
that. If you had bothered to look at any of the
documentation, you would see that it is fully

Tiller, on his own web site (again, there was a link,
if you had bothered to click) boasts of baptizing
aborted babies and holding memorials for them, etc.
He baptizes them after they are dead and delivered.
this is totally contrary to any orthodox Christian
beliefs. In fact, on our web site we have photographs
of a memorial service at Tiller’s mill provided to us
by a family who went through this process. This is
fully documentated on our web site, just a click away.

Frankly, this situation is an urgent one because a
decision could be made to drop the case and continue
covering for Tiller ANY DAY. You show an unfortunate
lack of understanding of how these things work. A
public appeal is one of our last desperate hopes to
bring Tiller to justice.

Frankly, I could find fault all day with your little
missive, but would rather spend my time trying to save
lives by working to get this man’s medical license
pulled. It you are really, pro-life, then I think you
must agree that such pettiness on your part
(especially since you did not bother to even look at
the documentation–then complained about it) is really
a waste of both of our time.

Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Dear Ms. Sullenger,

Thank you for your reply.

Now that you’re done questioning my committment to pro-life, and my alleged naivete, can we move on and be productive?

I want you to understand that I am NOT attacking your organization, nor am I questioning that what you presented is factual.

I am calling attention to the reality that your presentation needs work. I actually spoke with other very committed pro-lifers who deleted your message because of the hysterical presentation. So much for my not knowing how these things work. The reality is that your presentation looks like spam and when opened, reads like spam. This is not effective marketing.

I would love to have a letter to send on to someone who is pro-choice, or someone who is “on the fence”, so to speak…but this letter would not fly. I’m glad you posted links, however, the people who read your letter should not have to click on them to find your references.

I’m not saying that you should not post the links…please continue to do so. However, given the overall tone of the letter and no direct citations, ie: “Dr. X committed this atrocious act and we obtained this information from YMZ source, page. 23”, etc. Then provide the link…on the spot, not at the end.

Emotional appeals have their place and have a certain amount of success within some groups. However, given the outright warfare Life is facing in this country and around the world, we as Pro-Life can do so much more. What is sorely needed is a better, more solid and even intellecutal appeal. Then maybe we can actually start convincing our opponents that what they believe is a lie.

They close their eyes to hysteria and emotion because it is so stereotypically part of the Pro-Life movement. That really HURTS us!

What we need is Pro-Life apologetics, well presented, well argued, intellectual reasons…so we won’t be shutting down one doctor, then another…but ALL of them. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a multi-pronged approach.

In sum, my entire point, if you have read this far, is to PLEASE change your presentation. If you had any idea how many people deleted your e-mail, you would not have responded to me as you did.

I’m sorry that my badly worded criticism offended you as that was not my intention. God Bless you for the work you do and your research. With all that knowledge and power, you should be able to better present a hard-hitting document we can all share and forward with pride.

I must have accidentally deleted this email you guys are talking about; I get tons of stuff from OR but I’ve not seen it. Could someone post this where I can see it, or maybe even forward it to me in a PM or email?

Good response; I think she was taking a little too much offense at your first letter and missed the point. Maybe this will clear it up a little. 👍
Wow! that woman was very unprofessional in her response. I didn’t get this email recently, but got one on the same topic a while ago, maybe over a month. I assume that’s the email you’re referring to.
Wow! that woman was very unprofessional in her response. I didn’t get this email recently, but got one on the same topic a while ago, maybe over a month. I assume that’s the email you’re referring to.
I thought so, too.

As I understand it, in questioning others I know, this is apparently inherent in their organization. While they have much influence and do a lot of good, they end up undermining themselves (and therefore Pro-Life in general) through rabid responses, bullying tactics, etc.

Everyone, please considering contacting this organization and ask them to reconsider their letters and their tactics. Maybe if more people take the time to explain how this type of letter/ attitude undermines the work, they may take notice.

I think the response you received demonstrated perfectly what you’re trying to get across to OR. I have also been disturbed at their unprofessional manner. I don’t question their intent, but I think OR is underestimating professionalism in their passion to save lives. For pro-lifers, reason is a very powerful tool, and articles/emails sent to further the pro-life movement should be logical and well-written…it might save even more lives. Or, at the very least, it would help thwart the occasional pro-choice argument that many pro-lifers are just hysterical Christians.

Thanks for trying to explain this to OR,

I’d be tempted to say that many people, when they think of Operation Rescue, think of extremists harming or killing doctors who perform abortions. With that kind of image, how much help can they do to the pro-life cause? (In fact, they may well harm the cause. I’m pro-life, but I object to causing harm to doctors that perform abortions.)

In a way, they’re so extreme that anything they say will be discounted by many (myself included until I am otherwise persuaded). I’d prefer to find a much more reasonable pro-life organization to support.
I AM A PART of the Fellowship of the Unashamed.

The die has been cast. The decision has been made. I have stepped over the line. I won’t look back, let up, slow down, back away or be still.

My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, and my future is in God’s hands. I am finished and done with low living, sight walking, small planning, the bare minimum, smooth
knees, colorless dreams, tamed visions, mundane talking, frivolous living, selfish giving, and dwarfed goals.

I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions, applause, or popularity. I don’t have to be right, first, the best, recognized, praised, regarded, or rewarded. I now live
by faith. I lean on Christ’s presence. I love with patience, live by prayer, and labor with the power of God’s grace.

My face is set. My gait is fast, my goal is heaven. My road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions are few, my Guide is reliable, and my mission is clear. I cannot be bought, compromised, detoured, lured away, turned back, deluded, or delayed. I will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversity, negotiate at the table of the enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity, or meander in the maze of mediocrity.

I won’t give up, shut up, let up or slow up until I have stayed up, stored up, prayed up, paid up, and spoken up for the cause of Christ. I am a disciple of Jesus. I must go till He comes, give until I drop, speak out until all know, and work until He stops me. And when He returns for His own, He will have no difficulty recognizing me. My banner is clear: I am a part of the Fellowship of the Unashamed.

Patrick Madrid: Mission Statement
Wow! that woman was very unprofessional in her response. I didn’t get this email recently, but got one on the same topic a while ago, maybe over a month. I assume that’s the email you’re referring to.
But I thought it was rather amazing that she responded at all. Most of the time it’s hard to get a real person to respond to these
computer generated emails.
I’d be tempted to say that many people, when they think of Operation Rescue, think of extremists harming or killing doctors who perform abortions. With that kind of image, how much help can they do to the pro-life cause? (In fact, they may well harm the cause. I’m pro-life, but I object to causing harm to doctors that perform abortions.)

In a way, they’re so extreme that anything they say will be discounted by many (myself included until I am otherwise persuaded). I’d prefer to find a much more reasonable pro-life organization to support.
My favorite pro-life group is in my parish. It was started by a couple who loves children and who don’t do a lot on the political side but rather on the personal side. They try to get women
to know what actually happens during an abortion but not by
screaming at them, they help the women with their babies and they make the babies feel welcome. They also help women post-abortion with counseling, the women who regret having abortions are in such a terribly sad situation-there’s nothing they can do to
get back what they thought they didn’t want.
This couple had a bunch of baby bottles in the front of the church (cheap ones, not ones that really could be used) they asked the
community to take them for a month and to put our spare change in them, the money will be used for the mothers who had their babies, they also ask us to buy ONE thing, and what woman doesn’t LOVE buying baby clothes and they take care of the distributiion, a HUGE job, but they do it.
I think that in their “little way” they have saved many children. It’s the best way for me, I don’t like Randall Terry either.
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