Operation Timothy?

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A fellow parishoner wanted to help me with some adult catechism, so he offered to help me go through the Operation Timothy books. At a Catholic mens’ group meeting, I had talked about being poorly catechized as a teenager, and he asked if he could help. I agreed. So, what is this Operation Timothy? Leafing through it, it doesn’t look very Catholic, and I am concerned about somehow undermining my faith. Praise God for He placed me in his Church, not some splinter group. Aren’t there Catholic resources available for Catholics wanting to learn more? Or do we have to borrow Protestant books in order to learn more about the Truth?
This is not Catholic at all. Instead, it is evangelical.

While I have not spent much time with it, there is a good deal of stuff out there for catechizing adults.

Here is a web site that provides a lot of really good material. While it is aimed at RCIA, it has other applications.


Here are some other resources.



Consider getting some of these video courses and study guides. and building a class around them. I have gone through many and they are great.
Thank-you for the suggestions. I didn’t quite understand why a fellow catholic would suggest working through these books. I’m sure he means well, and I do like the guy, but I felt funny about it (Operation Timothy), like something is not quite right. We need better adult faith formation for recent converts and returning catholics at our parish. We had a person conducting bible studies who was an active catholic-turned-fundamentalist before this person was found out, and left the Church. Our pastor has requested that bible studies, evangelization, faith formation, or anything involving teaching be conducted according to the Roman Catholic faith. So I am a little wary of this Operation Timothy.

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