Yesterday I was given a few books and wondered if any of you have read the following books?
Letters to a Non-Believer, Brother Lawrence.
Padre Pio A Personal Portrait, Fr Francesco
Finding Gods Will for You, St Francis De Sales.
The Hermitage Within, A Monk.
Rule for Solitaries, Grimlaicus
The Kingdom of the Divine Will.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition.
Church Militant Field Manual, Fr Richard M.Heilman
Maximilian Kolbe, Saint of Auschwitz.
When God Asks for an Undivided Heart, Andrew Apostoli CFR
I look forward to reading these
Letters to a Non-Believer, Brother Lawrence.
Padre Pio A Personal Portrait, Fr Francesco
Finding Gods Will for You, St Francis De Sales.
The Hermitage Within, A Monk.
Rule for Solitaries, Grimlaicus
The Kingdom of the Divine Will.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition.
Church Militant Field Manual, Fr Richard M.Heilman
Maximilian Kolbe, Saint of Auschwitz.
When God Asks for an Undivided Heart, Andrew Apostoli CFR
I look forward to reading these
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