Opinions on Books to Read

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Yesterday I was given a few books and wondered if any of you have read the following books?

Letters to a Non-Believer, Brother Lawrence.
Padre Pio A Personal Portrait, Fr Francesco
Finding Gods Will for You, St Francis De Sales.
The Hermitage Within, A Monk.
Rule for Solitaries, Grimlaicus
The Kingdom of the Divine Will.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition.
Church Militant Field Manual, Fr Richard M.Heilman
Maximilian Kolbe, Saint of Auschwitz.
When God Asks for an Undivided Heart, Andrew Apostoli CFR

I look forward to reading these
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The Catechism I see as more of a reference book. Although people do read it cover to cover, I have not. It is, however, a book that I return to time and again when I want answers and definitive Church teaching.

The only other book I’ve read on your list is The Hermitage Within. I started reading it long ago but I was too busy with work then to get much out of it. I took it up again after I retired and I was able to finish it. I even highlighted certain passages, but looking at them now I can’t always recall why I did so. This is a book to read slowly with as much attention as you can muster. I think it was primarily written to encourage hermits and monks in to persevere their extraordinary vocations, but it has now found a wider audience.
I will be starting with When God Asks for an Undivided Heart, as it is about celibacy and how it is a gift to be celibate
The books on Padre Pio and Maximillian Kolbe would be the safest bets, not having read any of these.

They are about actual facts about these men’s lives, are not just the opinions of someone I don’t know and have never heard of. You will still pick up information, even if you disregard the author’s opinions.
I’ve read Brother Lawrence. Francis De Sales, but not that particular volume. I think mine is called Introduction to the Devout Life. The Catechism I keep book marked and regularly pick up where I left off. I keep a large selection of quotes from the De Sales book on my computer.
I had the great blessing of meeting Fr Apostoli. His books are very helpful!
I would also recommend reading prior catechisms which are a bit easier to read cover to cover and frankly are much more concise and clear in many ways.
Not that the CCC is bad by any means, just they all have value together.

Catechism of the council of Trent
The Baltimore Catechism.
Father Andrew’s video on Fatima has been one of my favorite listens at work for a long time. I’ve heard it dozens of times while I sit at my desk.

I’m not a fan of Fr. Heilman or his culture warrior brand of Catholicism. At least not what I’ve read of his blog which seems more focused on politics than the Gospel. But the other books on that list are good.
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