Opinions on Fr Robert Altier

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So basically I’ve seen a series of videos of sermons by this priest and basically he basically talks about some purification and it sounds like he’s talking about the end times in the tone he talks. So basically he says things like we have a few months before everything will be gone/Everything we ever relied on will all be gone. And in a past sermon he mentions something like in 4 years everything will all be finished or something like that. And I’ve seen some comments in the vids interpreting this as in if I’m the few months we have left are referring to the Antichrist will come to power within the months and the Antichrist reign is 3 and a half years which would result in 4 years. I really need help and I’m begging for anyone to answer. The titles of the videos are “Beware of False Prophets,” and “The Time for Spiritual Deattachment is Now” please help I’m begging for anyone to answer just please watch the videos and give ur opinions on it please
Father Robert Altier states the solution is to put your faith into practice. (Beware of False Prophets - June 28, 2020) also he asks “are you willing to serve God with your whole heart?” (The Time for Spiritual Detachment is Now - June 14, 2020).
Maybe he’s right. Maybe he’s wrong. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the fact that your life and my life will end in death, maybe today, maybe years from now, and we must be prepared to meet the Lord every single day of our lives.
If you had this attitude, you would not be worried about a priest who talks about end times.
I listened to the sermons you referenced and I don’t think he is talking about the literal end times and end of the world, because we all know that nobody knows that reality except the Father.

I interpreted it as being an upcoming trial, chastisement or scenario of things becoming very, very difficult. But for what it’s worth, I’d say we are already in some pretty trying times. I would say to just heed the overall message of bewaring false prophets and having detachment from the world. I think it already applies to what we are going through now.
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So he’s not talking about the end of the world? So I’m confused so like are we going through the chastisement right now through coronavirus and all that or is it a future event?
Don’t worry - scripture says the Jews will be converted, and that hasn’t happened yet. So obviously, we may be near, but it is not going to happen any time soon. Read Romans 11.
This is just my opinion but I interpreted it in that he thinks these difficult times will likely get worse and just wants us to be spiritually prepared. But I don’t think he’s talking about the literal end of the world and second coming of Christ, since no man knows when this will happen.

So I think he’s addressing current times but expects and warns that things will get worse for a while.
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But why does Fr mention times like in a “few months” 4 years and it will all be over everything will be gone? It’s like he knows the exact time which didn’t they Lord say wasn’t possible?
But why does Fr mention times like in a “few months” 4 years and it will all be over everything will be gone? It’s like he knows the exact time which didn’t they Lord say wasn’t possible?
He did not give an exact time, but an opinion that it will be “about four years”.

In The Time for Detachment is Now (June 14, 2020) Fr. Altier relates a conversation where he said to his sister in law “don’t worry about it, it will all be over in about four years”.

In his New Year’s Day 2020 homily he says that we do not know if the Great Apostasy will happen in our time, but it looks like it will.
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Again, he’s not necessarily talking about the second coming of Christ or the end times. No priest in their right mind would claim to predict something like that. It might just be a matter of opinion on what he thinks is going to happen as far as possible societal and economic collapse, that’s not really the same thing as the end of the world, end times, and second coming of Christ.
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So basically I’ve seen a series of videos of sermons by this priest and basically he basically talks about some purification and it sounds like he’s talking about the end times in the tone he talks. So basically he says things like we have a few months before everything will be gone/Everything we ever relied on will all be gone. And in a past sermon he mentions something like in 4 years everything will all be finished or something like that. And I’ve seen some comments in the vids interpreting this as in if I’m the few months we have left are referring to the Antichrist will come to power within the months and the Antichrist reign is 3 and a half years which would result in 4 years. I really need help and I’m begging for anyone to answer. The titles of the videos are “Beware of False Prophets,” and “The Time for Spiritual Deattachment is Now” please help I’m begging for anyone to answer just please watch the videos and give ur opinions on it please
No need to watch videos.

Only God knows when the end of days will happen. No human knows and nor does it matter. Jesus told us to always be ready.
Those who obsess over end of days will simply make themselves miserable.
Jesus told us NOT to worry about tomorrow. Attend to your spiritual life today and only today.
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