I homeschooled my 2 older children and God willing, will homeschool my youngest, age 3, when ready. I homeschooled one through the 6th grade and one through the 4th grade. I feel it really gave us great opportunities as well as time just to be kids. I did not homeschool to academically accelerate my kids (although they both are now at the top of their classes) but I did it so they could just spend more time playing and being kids, looking a spider spin its web, talk about God, so many things that can just get pushed aside when too busy.
It is work to homeschool your kids. Some think setting a few worksheets in front of them is homeschooling. If you want your kids to at least stay up, not to mention go past their age, you have to actually spend time on lessons, especially with the younger ages. But you usually do not have to spend from 9 - 3 doing school. (Those are the bad days for me as a homeschooler.) Today, both kids are happy, socially well adjusted and just nice kids. I would do it again in a heartbeat.