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Hi CAF Folks,

Is a flower better than a tree?

I’m wondering about opinions; it seems to me that lots of people think lots of things are “opinions” that are really not.

Hi CAF Folks,

Is a flower better than a tree?

A mature oak tree is better than a petunia at making summer shade.

A rose makes a better bouquet than an oak tree.
I’m wondering about opinions; it seems to me that lots of people think lots of things are “opinions” that are really not.

You have asked an invalid question. “Better” is a purely subjective and ambiguous modifier. If I say that a flower is better than a tree without explanation I have not imparted any useful information to you. “Better” always needs to be qualified by explaining the terms of comparison.

But I’ll happily answer your question. A tree is better than a flower. There’s my opinion, it is nowhere near a fact or an absolute truth, it is simply my feeling at the moment.
Why are there more prayers attributed to Mary rather than Jesus in the Rosary?..That seems backWards? doesn’t it? :confused:
better at what?
shade = tree
attracting bees = flower
altar decoration = flower
for fire making / house building = tree

personal opinion = depends.
In relation to being, a tree because it has more being in size, it also can have blossoms (Magnolias eg.) It has many uses, more than flowers, as buildings, furniture, paper, it contains syrup, chemicals, oils and only God can create a tree.(and flowers) It can also be used for energy. Howard Hughs even made a wooden sea plane from trees, ships, bridges and so on. Not so with flowers. Of course you can make love with flowers:)
Why are there more prayers attributed to Mary rather than Jesus in the Rosary?..That seems backWards? doesn’t it? :confused:
The Hail Mary contains God, and Jesus. She holds a special place ordained by God. God ordained that through Mary salvation came into the world, so she had a very intimate part to play. She also was without sin and her intercession is powerful with God, more than our own. She leads all to God by her intercession. God places this honor upon her, and we acknowledge His will that she have this special honor, she is our spiritual mother, and like a mother is solicitous for our salvation. Prayer to Mary always leads to Christ.
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