Opus Dei a "right wing poltical organization"?

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Actually the quote was this:

“As to the Opus Dei movement, I at least at this time have too many questions and concerns to get involved in what appears to be a right wing poltical organization that poses itself as a religious community.”

This quote was from a religious brother on another thread. I asked him if he would elaborate because I have found that the OD was a fairly solid order.

Fr. C. John McCloskey, an Opus Dei priest, has done great work helping folks come home to Holy Mother Church. Also, FWIW, Scott Hahn is a lay member of this organization.

What say the viewers of the Catholic Answers Forums?

What are your thoughts/opinions of Opus Dei?
I wanted to make something clear. I am not attacking this religious brother in any way, shape, or form. Please understand.

Maybe he has some legitimate problems/concerns with the OD. However, he did not say what those things may be.

This is why I started this thread. I know there are some “concerns” out there with OD (like with the folks who started the OD Awareness Network).

It was my intention to “fact-find,” if-you-will, via the readers of the CA Forums. There are some well informed people who post on these threads and I wanted to see what they had to say about OD.

Like they say on the Mary Foiundation tapes I wanted to “get the facts, decide for yourself.” 🙂

Thanks and God bless all.
The sort of statement about Opus Dei that you quote has been circulating for quite some time. Generally, those who express this view are misinformed by a media that does not understand or value our Faith in general, or are Catholics disenchanted with the challenges of the faith. In my experience, the negative rumors are not at all true.

My husband and I are Opus Dei cooperators (which is the term for those you refer to as “lay members”), that is, though we do not live and work in an Opus Dei center, but are ordinary lay people, we pray daily for The Work (“Opus Dei” means “Work of God”) and contribute to its apostolates.

My husband, a truly holy and wise man (though I am biased!) has been a cooperator for a much longer time than I have and I have learned much about Opus Dei from him. I, too had heard the rumors, but I saw them disproved by my husband and the local Opus Dei cooperators I know. For those not blessed to personally know a good cooperator, I would recommend reading any of the books of St. Josemaria Escriva, the founder of Opus Dei. What one will find is not proof of a “right-wing” ideology, but, rather, solid Catholic piety and advice about living the faith in ordinary work and life, and sharing it with others (apostolate). Is it all easy to read and fun? No, but that is not what the faith is about!

I suppose that my bottom line is to read the works of the founder for yourself, especially if you find many of today’s spiritual resources lacking in substance, as I have found.

May God bless you!

I am a supernumerary member of Opus Dei and have taken a stab at this in a few previous posts. So rather than retype it all 🙂 I can send you here forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?p=719071#post719071 and here forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?p=721093#post721093 for starters.

As far as my thoughts and opinions of the Work-- I think it is fabulous. The formation I receive through the Work helps me to be a better wife and mother, and even more importantly helps me draw closer to God.

As far as politics goes, I don’t have anything “official” in front of me right now that I can quote from, but the gist of politics and Opus Dei is this: everyone in the Work is entitled to hold and act upon their own personal political opinions, provided, obviously that these do not conflict with Church teachings. St. Josemaria was absolutely adament about keeping the Work a non-political organization, due at least in part to his own experiences during the Spanish Civil War. If someone in the Work attempted to force his or her political opinions on other members, that person would need to cease and desist immediately, or else would be shown the door.

If you have any other, more specific questions I’d be happy to try and answer them…
I think that whatever is Holy and Good – Satan attacks

Opus Dei and Regnum Christi get kicked around, but both of these movements have produced much good.

St. Jose Maria Escriva is such an awesome spiritual leader. Read his writings. You will become a better Catholic and person.

Fr. Marciel Maciel of the Leggionaires of Christ and Regnum Christi has also done much good in this world, yet the attacks on him haven’t stopped even though the investigations have proven twice – at least – that he was a holy, servant of God.

Consider the reason that Satan doesn’t want these organizations.
I saw a tape of St. Jose Maria Escriva on EWTN one time, and if that man wasn’t holy, nobody is. It was like you could feel the holiness. Hard to explain unless you have encountered holiness before, then you understand it. I will even read more about Him and His movement, from everything he said that night, its all about becoming holy and working for God.
Red Meg:

I am a supernumerary member of Opus Dei and have taken a stab at this in a few previous posts. So rather than retype it all 🙂 I can send you here forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?p=719071#post719071 and here forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?p=721093#post721093 for starters.

As far as my thoughts and opinions of the Work-- I think it is fabulous. The formation I receive through the Work helps me to be a better wife and mother, and even more importantly helps me draw closer to God.

As far as politics goes, I don’t have anything “official” in front of me right now that I can quote from, but the gist of politics and Opus Dei is this: everyone in the Work is entitled to hold and act upon their own personal political opinions, provided, obviously that these do not conflict with Church teachings. St. Josemaria was absolutely adament about keeping the Work a non-political organization, due at least in part to his own experiences during the Spanish Civil War. If someone in the Work attempted to force his or her political opinions on other members, that person would need to cease and desist immediately, or else would be shown the door.

If you have any other, more specific questions I’d be happy to try and answer them…
A profound thanks to all of you who have responded so far.

Like I said earlier, the members of the CA Forums are very learned about many things.

God bless all and thanks again! 🙂
Opus Dei isn’t something one joins - rather it is a divine vocation. The process begins with attending the means of formation offered by Opus Dei, such as retreats, recollections, doctrine classes, etc. In the process of getting to know the Work, one usually begins to go to an Opus Dei priest for confession, during which a lot of wonderful spiritual direction takes place. If there is a vocation, it usually becomes evident during spiritual direction. For those who do not have the vocation to Opus Dei, there is the opportunity to become a Cooperator. Cooperators support the Work both prayerfully and financially, and receive many spiritual benefits, in addition to the wonderful formation available. Anyone can be a Cooperator, including non-Catholics who are attracted to the general aims of Opus Dei.

Opus Dei always works with the permission of the local Bishop, so you can contact your diocese for information about Centers in your area.

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