I wasn’t a member, but I was good friends with several members (young numeraries, supernumeraries, numeraries-to-be). I went to Circle every week for a year, went on a silent retreat, dated a young man who was in a similar OD status as I was, read the Escriva trilogy and other books, and considered joining myself for awhile. I agree that their spirituality about sanctifying everyday life is excellent, and even though I’m no longer affiliated with OD I’ve tried to apply some of the lessons I learned there to my everyday life to this day. The reason I left OD is a long, sad, story - basically two of my friends who were also flirting with joining OD read some BS on the internet about it, decided OD was a cult, and became utterly hysterical and unreasonable. They refused to be friends with me anymore because they thought I would brainwash them and draw them back into this evil cult. The whole thing was getting just too weird for me so I decided to take a break from OD. I started hanging out with different people who weren’t involved in OD and just went on with my life basically. As I did this I reflected more upon OD and the things that had bothered me but I didn’t speak up about. I say they are sexist because of what I found to be a ridiculous obsession with preserving traditional gender roles - something Jesus never spoke about! The priest at the retreat scolded me in the confessional because I told him that I wanted to be a professor but also have children. He told me to “stop being so masculine” In general I found the group to have a rather condescending and patronizing attitude towards women. The women I met in it, especially the married ones, were very docile and submissive, while the men were anything but - instead very cocky and focused on their hot-shot careers in law, medicine, and academia. The prevailing attitude was that part of being a good Christian is adhering to 1950s gender roles, which is just nonsense since Jesus said absolutely nothing about women having careers. So anyhow, this is getting long, hope I answered your question