Opus Dei?

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I have heard many conflicting things about Opus Dei. Anyone have any facts and impressions to share about the organization?

Thanks and God bless.:tiphat:
I have been to two evenings of recollection, for women.

We spend about 1.5 hours in Eucharistic Adoration. There are talks about spiritual matters and the writings of St Josemarie Escriva are read. There is also an opportunity for confession and spiritual direction for which I am extremely grateful. (I have not had the opportunity to have much spiritual direction in my parish.)

I know there is a lot of controversy surrounding this organization, but I know that it is in communion with Rome and the person I know who is an associate member is a wonderful Catholic with a strong faith and a charitable heart.

I would suggest that you keep an open mind and if you want to, experience it for yourself!

God bless you in your journey. :blessyou:
Opus Dei seems to be the target of a lot of conspiracy theory and hand-wringing. They’re scandalized quite often by folks like Dan Brown in The Da Vinci Code.

My impression of them, through my reading on the group, is that they are a pious, orthodox group.
I have investigated Opus Dei, and I am attracted to their spirituality.

Regardless of what you may conclude from this thread and whatever other research you might do, I heartily recommend Fr. Socias’s Handbook of Prayers, which is published by Scepter Publishers, and is affiliated with Opus Dei.

God bless you.
Tom, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have! Do you have any specific questions, or is it just a general inquiry?

Just to give you a high level overview, Opus Dei is an organization primarily composed of the layity whose primary mission is to help Catholics with two things:
  1. Achieving personal sanctification through our every day life in work, and family.
  2. The apostolate. Bringing as many sould home to Christ’s Church as possible.
Both of these are achieved, amoung many ways, by providing Catholics with a means of formation that they normally don’t get from their local parish.

Again, if you have any other specific questions, feel free to ask.

By the way, please see my thread about an event that I am helping to organize, which addresses the DaVinci code and Opus Dei:

I have attended three or fours of their days of recollection, which are like mini retreats really, and a wonderful summer-long study on the encyclical about the Dignity and Vocation of Womanhood. I have two friends who are OD members, both are married with kids. OD has gotten a bad rap, especially recently with Dan Browns’ incredibly shallow thriller novels like The Da Vinci Code (can this man do NO research before he writes??) , but the OD people I have known are solid orthodox Catholics, and their theology is fully in line with Rome.

Hope this helps some.
I have a friend in Opus Dei and have read several of their publications in addition to using the Handbook of Prayers compiled by James Socias that has quotes from founder St. Escriva’s writings. Generally people who have an axe to grind with Opus Dei have an axe to grind with JPII or Vatican II. So you will see it attacked from both the liberals and the rad-trads, which usually signals to me that they are on the right track. 😃 That is, liberal Catholics and rad-trads are like the North Pole and the South Pole: They may be a world apart, but the dead and deadening landscape is eerily similar.

I don’t have any personal encounters to ad, but I do wish that they had more centers across the US, as I too would be interested in exploring them further.
If you are in Chicago, go to St. Mary of the Angels. It’s a church with Opus Dei priests. A very reverent Novus Ordo Mass.

I don’t have any personal encounters to ad, but I do wish that they had more centers across the US, as I too would be interested in exploring them further.
Just because there isn’t a center in yuor area does not mean there aren’t any activities going on…if you want, PM me and let me know where you live…I’ll check to see if there is anything in your area!
My friends,

I would deeply recommend looking into Opus Dei! My experience has only been one of satisfaction. The men and women involved are pious, intellectual, and well formed.

I can’t recommend them enough.
I attended an Opus Dei High School 7-12 grade. It and my parents are the chief source of my formation. I cannot thank my parents enough for the sacrifices they made to send me to that school. If there were such a school here, I’d send my boys to it.

Priests of the work take spiritual direction and confession very seriously. They are very devoted to Our Lady. Their message echoes that of Francis de Sales (and others) in that we can give glory and honor to God in our daily lives, however ordinary.

As a personal prelature they have their degrees of membership. This does not disturb me in the least. People object that they practice corporal mortification. So what? It’s medieval. Read the life of Saint Catherine of Siena for a sense of the ardour with which corporal mortification can be practiced.

For a great sense of their spirituality and understanding of the interior life, plunk down the hundred bucks and buy their In Conversation With God series. I highly recommend this devotional reading cycle tied to the liturgical year.

If I have one criticism of Opus Dei it is that they have failed to champion the Tridentine Mass, even though it is well documented that St. Josemaria did not like the Novus Ordo. But they do seem to be a little political, so they pick their battles. I have never heard a member of the work criticize the Holy Father for his failure to manage the Church. They really love JPII.

Chris C.
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